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Active Working Groups

  • Community / Working Groups / Active Working Groups
    RIPE NCC Services Working Group

    Discussion about new and existing RIPE NCC services and evaluating the RIPE NCC's yearly Activity Plan.

    WorkingGroup ripe working group ncc services
  • Community / Working Groups / Active Working Groups
    Routing Working Group

    Discussion and information exchange about Routing Registries.

    WorkingGroup ripe working group routing
  • Community / Working Groups / Active Working Groups
    Working Group Chair Selection

    RIPE Working Group Chairs are selected according to a process that has been determined by the individual working groups. See the following WG pages for more information.

  • Community / Working Groups / Active Working Groups
    Working Group Chair Biographies

    Working Group Chair Biographies

  • Community / Working Groups / Active Working Groups
    Previous Working Group Chair Biographies
