RIPE Atlas
We're building the largest Internet measurement network in the world and you could be part of it.
About RIPE Atlas
RIPE Atlas is a global network of devices, called probes and anchors, that actively measure Internet connectivity.
Anyone can access this data via Internet traffic maps, streaming data visualisations, and an API.
RIPE Atlas users can also perform customised measurements to gain valuable data about their own networks.

What is RIPE Atlas?
Devices that collect data
Thousands of devices called probes and anchors measure the Internet and collect data on Internet connectivity around the world. This network is called RIPE Atlas. Anyone can plug a probe in at home and start measuring the Internet connectivity where they live.
There are over 12,000 RIPE Atlas probes in the RIPE Atlas network and that number is growing - with your help!
Volunteers host probes and anchors across the globe, helping RIPE Atlas reach new places every day. Together, probes and anchors create the RIPE Atlas network which provides valuable insights into Internet connectivity and traffic.
Internet measurement tool
RIPE Atlas provides an unprecedented understanding of how the Internet is working, in real time. It provides insights for people around the world who use the data to take measurements and troubleshoot their networks, look at connectivity or improve the Internet. Anyone can start measuring today using our pre-made measurements. If you would like to make custom measurements, RIPE Atlas uses a credits system where you can 'earn' and then 'spend' credits on making your own measurements.
Data Visualisations
The vast majority of data that RIPE Atlas collects is freely available to anyone to browse, download or use the built-in RIPE Atlas measurements.
Take a look at how RIPE Atlas works
RIPE Atlas devices are called probes and anchors and these measure Internet connectivity and traffic. Volunteers host probes and anchors across the globe, helping RIPE Atlas reach new places every day.
Host a Probe
Hosting a probe means connecting a probe to your own home network. There are hardware and software probes.
Host a probeHost an Anchor
Anchors are designed to be installed in a highly-available network and physical environment to operate as a stable measurement device and target.
Host an anchorMeasure the Internet
Anyone can measure the Internet with our ready-made measurements or you can create your own custom made measurements
Start measuringRIPE Atlas Community
The RIPE Atlas community distribute probes and expand the RIPE Atlas network.
Meet the communitySupport Internet Measurements
Our suite of tools, including RIPE Atlas, provide invaluable insights that for operators making Internet infrastructure decisions globally.
Align your organisation with cutting-edge technological advancements and contribute to the development of tools that are crucial for maintaining the Internet's technical core.
RIPE Atlas Coverage
Search for your country
Search for your country using the search bar to see how many RIPE Atlas probes measure the Internet near where you live. The green dots are live probes and the red dots are inactive probes.
Measuring the Internet: RIPE Atlas Case Studies
What can you do with RIPE Atlas? See what people are doing with the data around the world.
Does the Internet Route Around Damage?
The Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX) had an outage on their Amsterdam peering platform. As this is generally considered one of the largest IXPs on the planet, we looked into this event from the perspective of RIPE Atlas to see what it had to tell us about the robustness of the Internet.

Unlocking Digital Growth: IXPs in the Middle East
A RIPE NCC report examines the current state of Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) in the Arabic-speaking countries of the Middle East.

Podcast: Something's Wrong on the Internet
The Internet is hardly foolproof in its design, and whether by accident or on purpose, the people who use and operate it sometimes don't do things they should or do do things they shouldn't. Qasim Lone talks about strange goings on he's investigated and how RIPE Atlas can help re