RIPE NCC Language Centre
This is where you can find information about the RIPE NCC translated into six languages. Use the menu to read text in Turkish, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Farsi and Arabic.
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Translations on the RIPE NCC website are prepared by third party translators. While reasonable efforts are made to provide accurate translations, portions may be incorrect. No liability is assumed by RIPE NCC for any errors, omissions, or ambiguities in the translations provided on this website. Any person or entity that relies on translated content does so at their own risk. RIPE NCC shall not be liable for any losses caused by reliance on the accuracy or reliability of translated information.
The translated versions of the original English text are for information purposes only. The official text displayed on the website is in English. In the event of any discrepancy between the translated versions and the English text, the English text shall be considered as the definitive version.