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RIPE 33 - Draft TLD WG Minutes


Place: Palais Auersperg, Vienna, Austria
Date: 5 May 1999
Chair: Niall O'Reilly
Scribe: Maldwyn Morris
Participants: 33
ccTLD Registries represented: 9
Proposed Agenda
1. Administrivia
2. Review Work plan
3. HarmoNIC Presentation by Philippe Renaut
4. CENTR Presentation by Fay Howard
5. ICANN/DNSO Presentation by Fay Howard
6. AOB
7. Conclusions
1. Administrivia
1.1 Recognition of Scribe
Maldwyn Morris kindly volunteered to take notes of
the meeting.
1.2 Approval of minutes from RIPE 32
No minutes from RIPE 32
ACTION 33.1 on Chair to ensure they are produced.
1.3 Agreement of Agenda
The proposed agenda was agreed.
1.4 Review of Current Actions
TLD-32.1 [Chair]
Update Workplan
Chair had recently posted workplan discussion
document ( to TLD-WG
list. Most of those present had not yet seen
Kept open.
TLD-32.2 [Chair]
Determine DNS-SEC plans and need for support
from DNS-WG
No registries have advised Chair of plans to
implement DNS-SEC. A couple have indicated that
guidance from DNS-WG would be welcome. One has
indicated that preparatory study is in progress.
TLD-32.3 [Chair]
Advise DB-WG of number of registries planning to
use RIPE whois code
Nine registries are either using or considering
using the code.
Chair proposed new ACTION 33.2 on Chair to find
out more about who is using RIPE database at
RIPE NCC for domain objects.
TLD-32.4 [Philippe Renaut]
Present NIC-FR directory work at Vienna (Agenda
item 3)
TLD-32.5 [Mike Norris]
Co-ordinate review of RIPE-152
Chair proposed to close as OBE. No disagreement
from floor.
Closed as OBE
2. Review Workplan
Chair proposed to drop many sections and re-align others,
as suggested in the discussion document, which he
presented, as most present had not seen it.
The following additional suggestions were made.
o Split IANA and Stability of Root into two sections:
IANA/ICANN and Root Stability.
ICANN is now defined and supporting organizations are
emerging. The inaugural meeting in Berlin will define
them further. CENTR has helped define both the DNSO
and the ccTLD area within DNSO.
Fay said that Marcel Schneider had initiated an
ICANN/TLD relations activity but this could be done
by CENTR, not just Marcel.
Root stability needs firmer plans. There should be no
changes in Delegation without due process, and the
DNSO was the forum for discussing this.
o TLD coordination Project Activity.
CENTR doesn't cover all TLD activities. Need task
force to do TLD activities. The Chair proposed that
task forces should be set up for specific TLD
Discussion on next steps was to be dealt with in Section 7
of this meeting.
3. HARMONIC: Directory Service of NIC.FR
Presentation by Philippe Renaut
Domain directory tool for all ccTLDs, initially working
for .fr Enables users to find extra non-technical
information not stored in the RIPE DB, such as Activities.
Can search for Organizations by Postal Address, Activity,
Sector. Can search for Domains by parts of name. Can
search for web sites in .fr domain. It means users can
search the net not by domain name, so this takes the
pressure off domain names. Uses standardized address in
address part of RIPE DB.
Those interested are welcome to look:
An no-image version will be developed. Other NICs are
interested and it could become a global tool. An LDAP
upper layer will be developed to standradise the
Philippe asked the permission of other ccTLDs to use their
information in the system and suggested that they discuss
it with him after the meeting.
Philippe answered a number of questions from those
Q: How is the information collected
Philippe: Differs per country, but France's NIC collects
the info for .fr
Q: Who supplies the information ? Is it Official ?
Philippe: Yes it is official. Some is from the RIPE
Database, some is requested by the NIC when the domain is
Q: Who updates the info - Nic or the client ?
Philippe: The client, but ISPs say they don't necessarily
want to do it, so will allow both to do it. If clients
don't want to appear, they don't have to.
Q: Are updates handled automatically. Are they
authenticated ?
Philippe: Yes, Yes - with a password.
Q: When is the Launch date ?
Philippe: Already launched for .fr
Q: What are the hit rates ?
Philippe: 150 connections per day.
4. CENTR Update
Presentation by Fay Howard.
See RIPE-CENTR Project is winding
down. CENTR has elected a committee, has 23 intended
member registries, is incorporated in UK following poll,
locating in Oxford 7/6/99, looking for technical and admin
officers. Fay Howard has been appointed General Manager. A
technical workshop is planned in conjunction with RIPE-34.
Gerhard Winkler mentioned possible technical work items
for CENTR:
o DNS secondary, structure, QOS, requirements
o Whois DB - need or split from RIPE DB for domains ?
o DNS SEC - need ?, how ?
o Shared Registry system- how ?, need ?
o How to run registry ?
o Liaisons - ask other WGs
o Share resources
o Common Database structures
Fay suggested that maybe RIPE NCC does not want to store
domain names after CENTR is set up in Oxford. Rob
Blokzijl, RIPE Chairman, said that he had indicated that
we need to think about this, but that that didn't mean
that RIPE is unwilling to continue to support it.
[ Coffee Break ]
5. ICANN/DNSO Update
Presentation by Fay Howard.
Fay mentioned CENTR participation in consensus-building,
and the different DNSO-definition proposals known as the
Paris, BMW, Singapore documents. She described the current
DNSO Formation ideas, with Constituencies and General
Assembly. and that Inaugural Meetings had been scheduled
in Berlin later this month.
Fay asked who was planning to go to Berlin and three
people indicated that they were intending to go.
6. AOB
o Relations with other WGs
DB-WG had raised concern over domain objects in RIPE
database. This was discussed earlier in the meeting
when reviewing the action items.
It was reported that at the moment only Switzerland
and Liechtenstein were known to use to use Referral.
o Status of this WG
Rob Blokzijl said that the meeting should consider
putting in the agenda for this WG at RIPE 34, when
CENTR is settled, the question of how to proceed with
this WG. Chair said this largely overlaps with
Section 7 of this meeting's agenda, but that the WG
should discuss this on the mailing
7. Conclusions
o Directions for the group
Chair proposed ACTION on chair to seek discussion of
the directions for the group on the lir/wg mailing
list. Floor concurred.
o Revisiting the Work plan
Chair proposed ACTION on ALL to discuss this on the mailing list. Floor concurred.
The chair thanked all the participants, and meeting was
The following actions were outstanding for the working
group at the end of the meeting.
TLD-33.1 [Chair]
Provide minutes for RIPE-32 TLD-WG.
TLD-33.2 [Chair]
Initiate discussion of issues arising around domain
objects in RIPE database, including: the large number
of domain objects in the RIPE DB, authority for these
objects, quality of data in these objects,
possibility of distributing data among several
databases, single point of initial reference, control
of access to the data, data privacy, and possible
differences in policy among registries.
These issues need to be discussed, next requirements
determined, and corresponding resources identified.
TLD-33.3 [Chair]
Request information from registries on whether they
are prepared to make their data available for pilot
project using HARMONIC interface.
TLD-33.4 [Chair]
Place Future Direction of TLD-WG on Agenda for
RIPE-34 and stimulate preparatory discussion on
mailing list.
TLD-33.5 [All]
Contribute to workplan discussion on mailing list.