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WG Chair Biographies

Leo Vegoda

Leo Vegoda

Address Policy Working Group Chair

Leo has been involved with Internet operations and unique identifiers since the late 1990s. He currently runs And Polus LLC, which provides bespoke services to Internet infrastructure organisations. Previously, he managed Internet Number Resources in ICANN's IANA team, and registration services at the RIPE NCC.

Through participation in RIPE and IETF, Leo is the author of several RIPE documents and a handful of RFCs dealing with Internet Number Resources.

Alex le Heux

Alex le Heux

Address Policy Working Group Chair

Alex lives in Amsterdam and currently works as Principal Engineer at Ting Fiber, a FTTH ISP. Since the late 1990s he has had similar roles in several small and large scale organisations and has in the past worked at the RIPE NCC's Registration Services.

Besides a free and open internet Alex strongly supports its self-regulating nature.