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RIPE NCC General Meeting October 2024

General Meeting October 2024

The RIPE NCC General Meeting is taking place from 30 October - 1 November 2024 at the Clarion Congress Hotel, Prague and online.

The formal, members-only section of the GM will take place at 16:00 (UTC+1) on 30 October 2024. This is immediately after the RIPE NCC Services Working Group session.

A blue background with the text RIPE NCC General Meeting October 2024.

How to vote

Find out how to vote at the upcoming GM.

Find out more

Request a proxy vote

Request a proxy vote if you can't attend the GM.

Request a proxy

How to get involved

How to attend and join in the discussions at the General Meeting.

Find out more

How the GM works

Find out what happens at a RIPE NCC GM.

Find out more

Contact us

If you have any questions about the GM, please email the General Meeting organisation team.

Important Dates and Deadlines

4 September: Registration opens
2 October: Supporting documents published
16 October: Final agenda published
16 October: Deadline for proxy vote nominations
16 October: Deadline for members to propose resolutions
30 October: Registration closes at 14:00 (UTC+1)
30 October: GM begins at 16:00 (UTC+1)
1 November: GM closes with voting results announcement at 10:30 (UTC+1)

GM Vote Registrations Per Country

This table below shows the number of RIPE NCC member votes registered per country (based on RegID) for the GM.

Country Votes
AE 1
AM 1
AT 3
BA 1
BE 2
BG 2
CH 15
CZ 13
DE 49
DK 5
EE 1
ES 7
FI 1
FR 13
GP 1
GR 3
IE 5
IL 1
IT 6
JO 1
KZ 1
LB 8
LT 1
NL 30
NO 8
PL 3
PT 3
RO 5
RU 6
SE 4
SI 1
SK 2
TR 7
UA 5
UK 11
US 3