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Minutes 41st Executive Board Meeting

Author: Sabine Mader (Executive Assistant RIPE NCC)
Date: 17 March 2004

Revision No.: 1.0

Kees Neggers, Chairman
Frode Greisen, ICANN Liaison
Manfredo Miserocchi, Member
Nigel Titley, Secretary
János Zsakó, Treasurer

Axel Pawlik, Managing Director, RIPE NCC
Sabine Mader, Executive Assistant, RIPE NCC
Jochem de Ruig, CFO, RIPE NCC
Paul Rendek, Head of Member Services & Comms., RIPE NCC
Angela McLeod, Human Resources Manager, RIPE NCC


  1. Agenda / Comments
    1.1 Apologies, New Agenda Points
    1.2. Approval of Previous Minutes, #40
    1.3. Date of Next Meetings
  2. Outstanding Actions
  3. Report from the RIPE NCC
    3.1. Operational Report
    3.2. Presentation on RIPE NCC Human Resources status
  4. Financials
    4.1. 2003 End of Year audited results
    4.2. Financial Status and Outlook 2004
    4.3. Treasury Proposal Revised
  5. Preparation General Meeting May 2004
    5.1. Proposal New Clearinghouse
    5.2. Draft Agenda Annual General Meeting and resulting actions
  6. Scenario Planning Progress
    6.1. Status Membership Growth Survey
    6.2. Scenario RIPE NCC Activities after IPv4 Exhaustion
  7. AOB

1. Agenda / Comments

1.1. Apologies, New Agenda Points

No Apologies.
The following two agenda points were added to the formal agenda. It was agreed
to cover these new agenda items prior to proceeding with the other agenda items.

a. Assessment of the RIPE NCC Managing Director Function
The Chairman proposed that the RIPE NCC Managing Director function be assessed by an external organisation to ensure market conformity. The Executive Board unanimously agreed.

b. Ratification of the results from the gar-Boards teleconference on Monday, 15 March 2004

It was mentioned that during the gar-Boards teleconference held on Monday, 15 March 2004 it was agreed by all that no ICANN Nomcom appointed observers should be incorporated, voting or not, in the ICANN ASO. The Executive Board agreed and ratified the results from the GAR-Boards teleconference.

1.2. Approval of Previous Minutes, #40
The Executive Board approved the minutes of the 40th RIPE NCC Executive Board

1.3. Date of Next Meetings
EB#42, 5 May 2004, 17:00-18:00 - during the RIPE 48 Meeting.
EB#43, 22 June 2004, 13:00-16:00 - (lunch at 12:00) at the RIPE NCC Offices, Amsterdam

2. Outstanding Actions

The status of outstanding actions and new action items are attached at the end of this document.

3. Report from the RIPE NCC

3.1. RIPE NCC Operational Report
Axel Pawlik provided the Board with an update on the RIPE NCC operations.

The Board discussed the current Membership Growth Survey being carried out by the RIPE NCC. It was reported that the RIPE NCC has been monitoring the growth of the organisation in parallel to the survey and would present the findings at the upcoming RIPE NCC General Meeting in May 2004.

There were no further questions.

3.2. Presentation on RIPE NCC Human Resources status
Angela McLeod, RIPE NCC Human Resources Manager provided the Board with a presentation on the status of Human Resources at the RIPE NCC. The Board discussed the report.


Jochem de Ruig, RIPE NCC Chief Financial Officer, presented the financials to the meeting.

4.1. 2003 End of Year audited results
Jochem reported that the RIPE NCC was pleased to receive the Auditor's letter for the RIPE NCC audited financial results on 17 March 2004.

The Executive Board unanimously agreed to adopt the 2003 Financial and Annual Report. It was agreed that the management letter from the auditors will be distributed and discussed at a later meeting.

4.2. Financial Status and Outlook 2004
Jochem de Ruig provided the meeting with the financial status 2004 and outlook to the end of the operational year. There was general discussion about the growth of membership and expenditure for 2004.

The Chairman proposed that the Board discuss the Personnel Fund expenditure for 2004. Following the approval of the 2003 financial status the Board unanimously agreed to the transfer of funds to the Personnel Fund for 2004.

4.3. Treasury Proposal Revised

Jochem de Ruig presented a proposal on the RIPE NCC Treasury.

János Zsakó showed concern for the length of time required for the investment in the proposed scenario. All Board members agreed with this concern.

ACTION: The Board asked the RIPE NCC to allocate more time to investigate scenarios for shorter-term investments.[EB 102]

5. Preparation General Meeting May 2004

5.1. Proposal New Clearinghouse

Jochem de Ruig provided a presentation on the restructure proposal of the RIPE NCC
Clearing House based on what had been agreed with the tax authorities. The proposal
was discussed by the Board.

The Board agreed on the goal that the reserves should be equal to one year of the total
operational cost of the RIPE NCC. As in the current system, the maximum allowed reserve balance would equal that of three times the latest year's income from the membership fees. The balance that exceeds the maximum reserve level will be returned to the members by decreasing the service fee for the following year accordingly.

The proposal will be documented and submitted to the members at the upcoming General Meeting in May 2004.

5.2. Draft Agenda Annual General Meeting and resulting actions

The Board reviewed the draft agenda for the General Meeting in May 2004. Following discussion the Board agreed to include text in the draft agenda to encourage interactive input for agenda points where this is possible. The Board agreed to formally adopt the proposed draft agenda for the RIPE NCC General meeting in May 2004.

6. Scenario Planning Progress

6.1. Status Membership Growth Survey

Axel Pawlik provided the Board with a status update of the ongoing RIPE NCC Membership Growth Survey.

6.2. Scenario RIPE NCC Activities after IPv4 Exhaustion

The Board has asked Axel Pawlik to prepare scenarios that could impact the future of RIPE NCC operations and envisage any changes that would be required to adapt the organisation to these changes.

Axel presented the Board with a scenario of RIPE NCC activities after the exhaustion of IPv4. The scenario was well received by the Board. It was stated that there is still work to be done to establish the financial consequences of a number of possible developments. Axel noted that this was a working document and the RIPE NCC plans to develop this document further.

7. AOB

No other issues were formally raised.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 18:15.

Outstanding Actions

EB98/ 14/01/04 / AP (supersedes EB70)
To continue to work with Rob Blokzijl and Jochem de Ruig on principles of RIPE meeting cost accounting.
Status: 17/03/04 Ongoing, a report will be sent to the Board that will be discussed as an agenda item for the next Board meeting.

EB99/ 14/01/04 / AP (supersedes EB76)
To continue scenario development according to EB76. Individual scenarios to be prepared. For the March meeting a paper on Ipv6 only will be presented.
Status: 17/03/04 DONE

EB100/ 14/01/04 / JDR
To present a new treasury proposal until next meeting (17 March 2004).
Status: 17/03/04 DONE

New Actions

EB101 17/03/04 / AP (supersedes EB99)
To continue scenario development according to EB99.

EB102 17/03/04 / AP
To allocate more time to investigate shorter-term investment scenarios for the treasury proposal.