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Minutes 97th Executive Board Meeting
Draft Minutes 97th RIPE NCC Executive Board Meeting
11 December 2014, 1300-1800, RIPE NCC Offices, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Author: | Paul Rendek |
Date: |
11/12/2014 |
Status: |
Draft |
- Dmitry Burkov, ICANN Liaison
- Maria Häll, Member
- Christian Kaufmann, Secretary
- Nigel Titley, Chairman
- Remco Van Mook, Treasurer (remotely)
- Salam Yamout, Member
- János Zsakó, Adviser
- Hans Petter Holen, Chairman RIPE
- Rob Blokzijl, RIPE Chair Emeritus
- Sabine Mader, Assistant to the Managing Director, RIPE NCC
- Axel Pawlik, Managing Director, RIPE NCC
- Paul Rendek, Director of External Relations, RIPE NCC
- Jochem de Ruig, Chief Financial Officer, RIPE NCC
1. Agenda / Comments
1.1 Apologies, New Agenda Points
1.2 Approval of Previous Minutes, EB#95 and EB#96
1.3 Date of Next Meetings
1.4 Conference Attendance Executive Board 2014/2015
2. Remaining Outstanding Actions, not covered by agenda
3. Report from the RIPE NCC
3.1. Financial Update
3.1.1 Report following from Interim Audit
3.1.2 Treasury Report
3.1.3 Clearing House
3.2 Legal & Corporate Documents
3.2.1 LEA Requests
3.3 Services
3.3.1. Report from Focus Group Meetings (Member Survey)
3.3.2 Closing members
3.3.3 RIPE ATLAS Terms & Conditions
3.4 RIPE NCC Housing – Office Location
4. Review RIPE-69 and RIPE NCC General Meeting November 2014
4.1 Review RIPE meeting
4.2 Draft Minutes RIPE NCC General Meeting 5 November 2014
4.3 Preparation Charging Scheme 2016
4.4 Follow up on “Working for Good of the Internet”
5. Approval of Draft RIPE NCC Activity Plan and Budget 2015
5.1 Approval of Revised Draft RIPE NCC Activity Plan/Budget 2015
6. Active Policy Proposals with Significant Impact on RIPE NCC Operations
7. External Relations
7.1.1 Update on CRISP Team Report
7.2 NRO / RIRs
7.3 ITU
7.4 RIPE
7.5 IETF
8. AOB
9. Executive Session
The Chairman Nigel Titley opened the meeting at 13:10.
1. Agenda / Comments
1.1 Apologies, New Agenda Points
Nigel reported that, due to travel, Remco would be joining the meeting remotely. It was agreed that agenda topics under section 3.1 would be covered later in the meeting to accommodate difference in time zone.
1.2 Approval of Previous Minutes, EB#95 and EB#96
Nigel asked the Board for any final comment to the minutes of EB#95 and EB#96.
Janos pointed out that there was an error in the dates of the next meetings in the EB #95 minutes and asked that the 12 September 2014 meeting be removed from the minutes. Axel confirmed that the date would be corrected prior to publication.
The Board approved the minutes of EB#95 & EB#96.
1.3 Date of Next Meetings
The Board discussed the dates of the upcoming Exec. Board meetings. The Board agreed to host the Board meeting in Beirut in March 2015. The Board meeting will be preceded by a RIPE NCC Senior Management Board briefing session scheduled meeting on 19 March 2015.
- 19 March 2015, 09:30, Beirut, Lebanon
- 11 & 13 May 2015, during RIPE-70, Amsterdam, informal meetings
- 16 June 2015, 13:00, RIPE NCC Offices, Amsterdam
- 2 October 2015, 9:30, RIPE NCC Offices, Amsterdam
1.4 Conference Attendance Executive Board 2014/2015
The Board examined the conference attendance for 2015. Nigel asked the Board to review their presence. He reminded the Board that it was important to have representation at the RIPE NCC organised events. Nigel reminded the Board that their input should be submitted within 2 weeks of this Board meeting.
2. Remaining Outstanding Actions, not covered by agenda
a) Completed
EB300 12/09/2014 AP
The RIPE NCC Board asked the RIPE NCC to prepare a resolution to outline actions in the event of sanctions. The resolution will be distributed on the Board list. The Board will agree the resolution prior to the November RIPE meeting. Upon approval, the Board asked that the resolution be published on the RIPE NCC website.
EB302 12/09/2014 AP
After the proposed edits to the RIPE ATLAS User Value Proposition document the Board asked the RIPE NCC to publish the document on the RIPE NCC website and to the appropriate RIPE working group mailing lists.
EB303 12/09/2014 AP
The Board asked the RIPE NCC to publish the Draft RIPE NCC Activity Plan and Budget 2015.
EB304 12/09/2014 AP
Draft Agenda General Meeting 5 November 2014: The RIPE NCC Management will ask Nick Hilliard to present and raise discussion regarding charging for ASN. The Board agreed a 20-minute slot including discussion for this topic.
b) In progress
EB301 12/09/2014 MH & SY
The Board asked the RIPE NCC to work with Salam and Maria to expand on the activities in the document further for Board consideration. Upon approval the Board would like to publish the set of proposed activities for community and membership discussion.
Status 11/12/2014: Discharge – The Board agree to discharge this agenda item as this item will be included in a permanent agenda item called “Working for Good of the Internet”. The Board agreed to cover this in agenda point 4.4.
3. Report from the RIPE NCC
Axel raised the issue of pension law changes in the Netherlands. As he himself and senior members of staff are affected he asked the board for their opinion and support for the intended implementation. The Board briefly discussed the external advice provided and agreed to the implementation as proposed.
The Board reviewed the arguments regarding a possible adjustment of the RIPE NCC Charging Scheme and agreed that the priority to maintain a simple fee structure remained. It was agreed that Nigel should summarise the Board opinion to the members' mailing list, giving opportunity for discussion prior to the next RIPE NCC General Meeting.
ACTION EB305 11/12/2014 NT & AP
Nigel agreed to summarise the Board opinion on the RIPE NCC Charging Scheme model for 2016. He agreed to publish this opinion on the RIPE NCC member mailing list and provide opportunity for discussion prior to the upcoming GM meeting in May 2015.
3.1. Financial Update
Nigel stated that agenda items under 3.1 would be addressed when Remco joined the Board meeting via remote participation.
3.1.1 Report following from Interim Audit
Jochem reported that the membership growth continued to be steep.
He also mentioned that some reporting changes might be needed to align the RIPE NCC reporting with the Dutch Accounting standards. After some discussion the Board asked Axel to produce a report from the Interim Audit to be included on the agenda of the next Exec. Board Meeting.
No other questions were raised.
ACTION EB306 11/12/2014 AP
The Board asked for a report from the Interim Audit to be produced and delivered in time for the next Board meeting.
3.1.2 Treasury Report
Nigel asked the Board if they had any comment on the Treasury Report. The Board agreed that the USD account needs to be replenished but asked that the RIPE NCC do this when the USD rates are more favourable.
The Board discussed an investment of 4 million EUR in bonds.
Resolution EB#97-R-01:
1. Replenish the USD account to cover for annual obligations in USD to an amount of USD 1 million (as in previous years), currently the USD account holds USD 0.73 million.
2. Investigate options to further invest EUR 2 million in government bonds plus 2 million EUR in bonds that are about to come to term.
3.1.3 Clearing House
EB299 12/09/2014 AP
The Board asked the RIPE NCC Management to investigate option to merge reserves (from TERENA) into the Clearing House, to be discussed at next Executive Board Meeting in December. Status 11/12/2014: DONE
The Board briefly discussed the Clearing House. Janos pointed out that the reason the money was not put into the reserves earlier is that Clearing House funds was members money and the TERENA funds were intended for the Association.
After discussion the Board agreed the following resolution:
Resolution EB#97-R-02:
The RIPE NCC Executive Board approves the transfer of the TERENA reserve (established when the RIPE NCC was incorporated) to the Clearing House before the end of 2014.
3.2 Legal & Corporate Documents
Nigel asked if the Board had any comments on the changes proposed to four RIPE NCC corporate documents. The Board briefly discussed the content changes and the reasons for the changes in each document.
After a short discussion the Board approved all four of the documents and asked the RIPE NCC to publish the documents accordingly.
ACTION EB307 11/12/2014 AP
The Board tasked Axel to review and update the matrix of legal and corporate documents that are produced requiring Board approval.
3.2.1 LEA Requests
Jochem reported that no requests have been received from Law Enforcement Agencies since the report at the last Board meeting.
3.2.2 Arbitration
Jochem reported that the RIPE NCC has requested the Arbiters to evaluate a request for addresses for the RIPE NCC to use at the local node in Stockholm.
The Board noted that two members have resigned from the Arbitration panel. They questioned whether the Arbitration panel still has sufficient members with a good geographical, as well as skill spread. During discussions it was evident that, to date, there have been fewer cases than expected so the workload has been at a minimum. It was noted that the Arbitration panel is scheduling a face-to-face meeting in 2015.
It was agreed that this topic would be revisited at the upcoming Board meeting.
ACTION EB308 11/12/2014 AP
The Board agreed to have the topic of arbitration as a reoccurring agenda item on the Exec. Board agenda.
3.3 Services
3.3.1. Report from Focus Group Meetings (Member Survey)
Paul reported that the Focus Group meetings were currently being held and it is planned to complete the interviews by early January 2015. It was noted that an executive summary of the results would be produced and circulated to the members and RIPE community.
The Board expressed that they were very much looking forward to the published results of this activity.
3.3.2 Closing members
After a brief discussion on the process of closing a member, the Board agreed the following resolution:
Resolution EB#97-R-03:
The RIPE NCC Executive Board resolves that members sending a termination notice in October, November or December can have their SSA terminated by mutual consent before the end of the year and the annual contribution for the following year shall not be due. The Executive Board instructs the RIPE NCC Management to implement the above resolution.
3.3.2 RIPE ATLAS Terms & Conditions
Christian reported that there were two rounds of comment issued for RIPE Atlas Terms and Conditions. He informed the Board that he would send a message out on the MAT-WG confirming that the terms and conditions have been agreed for final publication.
Nigel asked if the Board had any comments on the RIPE ATLAS Terms & Conditions document. No questions were raised.
3.4 RIPE NCC Housing – Office Location
Jochem reported on the process followed to find a location for RIPE NCC Offices. From this process, one property has been identified that fits all the criteria and is financially favourable. The Board discussed the proposal and asked for clarifications.
Resolution EB#97-R-04:
The Executive Board confers on the RIPE NCC management the mandate to initiate negotiations with the intent to rent a new office location.
4. Review RIPE-69 and RIPE NCC General Meeting November 2014 (1500-1530)
4.1 Review RIPE meeting
HPH mentioned that the minutes of the RIPE Working Group Chairs Meeting were published to the WG Chairs list and that a summary would be published externally.
He asked the RIPE NCC to provide basic meeting support for any BoF meetings and any scheduled evening meetings at any future RIPE meetings.
He also clarified that the Program Committee was not responsible for the entire RIPE Meeting agenda and confirmed that the RIPE Chairman was responsible for the overall meeting agenda. He was pleased to report that the Program Committee has been doing great work to prepare a solid contribution to the RIPE meeting agenda.
4.2 Draft Minutes RIPE NCC General Meeting 5 November 2014
Dmitry noted that the General Meeting minutes seemed to be more of a transcript of the meeting rather than a clear set of minutes. Remco and Christian also noted that the minutes could be more concise.
After some discussion, the Board agreed that the minutes should be more of a summary recording all of the resolutions and that the transcript should be made available on the RIPE NCC website.
ACTION EB309 11/12/2014 AP
The Board asked the RIPE NCC to ensure that the General Meeting May 2015 is transcribed and that the minutes recording all resolutions are concise and produced in a summary format.
4.3 Preparation Charging Scheme 2016
Nigel commented that the Board discussed the preparations for the RIPE NCC Charging Scheme 2016 under agenda item 3.
No further points were raised.
4.4 Follow up on “Working for Good of the Internet”
Salam presented on ideas that have been collected to further develop the RACI activity. She mentioned that there is a need to look at KPIs on the activity as well as better explanations for the potential candidates of RACI.
After discussion, the Board asked Salam to approach MENOG and actively encourage the community to take part in the RACI project.
Nigel asked the Board if they agreed to support the CrypTech project. Salam mentioned that the mood of the RIPE 69 meeting seemed to be in support of the CrypTech project, she added that there was a round of applause from the meeting after asking whether the community supported this project.
The Board agreed to support the project with 50K EUR. It was noted that Maria Hall felt she had a conflict of interest and did not participate in the discussion and abstained from casting a vote of support.
5. Approval of Draft RIPE NCC Activity Plan and Budget 2015
5.1 Approval of Revised Draft RIPE NCC Activity Plan/Budget 2015
Nigel asked the Board if they had any final comments on the Draft RIPE NCC Activity Plan/Budget 2015. No comments were brought forward and the Board approved the following resolution:
Resolution EB#97-R-05:
The RIPE NCC Executive Board approves the Draft RIPE NCC Activity Plan and Budget 2015.
6. Active Policy Proposals with Significant Impact on RIPE NCC Operations
The Board briefly discussed their participation in providing feedback to policy proposals that potentially had a significant impact on RIPE NCC operations. No further comment was raised on any impact analysis carried out by the Exec. Board.
7. External Relations
The Board discussed the IANA Stewardship Transition and ICANN Accountability processes. Paul updated the Board on the ICANN Cross-Cutting Working Group (CCWG) appointments raised to the ASO AC. He reported that the mix of candidates brought forward to the NRO EC was diverse with good regional representation.
Paul also reported that the RIRs were planning on publishing another set of RIR Q&As from questions raised in meetings on ICANN Accountability. He mentioned that the questions that related specifically to RIR operations were noted and will be included in the next publication of RIR Q&As.
The Board thanked Paul for the update and looked forward to receiving reports on any new developments in this area.
7.1.1 Update on CRISP Team Report
Paul provided an update on the work carried out so far in the CRISP team. He confirmed that the CRISP team had committed to publishing a first draft of the RFP response to the RIR communities by 19 December to allow for ample comment given the aggressive time constraints placed upon the CRISP team. The Board was pleased to hear that the work was underway and supported a positive approach to cooperation within the CRISP team.
Paul encouraged the Board to follow the discussions on the IANA Stewardship Transition mailing list:
7.2 NRO / RIRs
Axel provided a brief report from the NRO EC retreat that was held on 1-2 December 2014. He reported that the second phase of the RIR Corporate Governance Matrix document is underway and due for publication early in January 2015.
Axel reported that during a meeting held in September 2013 in Montevideo the RIR CEOs agreed that RIRs and IANA are jointly responsible for the operation of the Internet Number Resource registries and that they had committed to mutual support should the need arise in the future.
In the process of the IANA Stewardship Transition and a review of the RIR Corporate Governance Documents Matrix, the RIR CEOs agreed to work on establishing a more formal Joint RIR Stability Fund. Principles for such a fund are currently being discussed.
ACTION EB310 11/12/2014 AP
The Board tasked Axel to further develop the idea of a joint RIR Stability Fund and have asked Axel to cooperate on this activity with his colleagues from the other RIRs.
7.3 ITU
Paul and HPH reported on the issues relevant to RIR operations that were on the agenda of the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2014. The Board was pleased with the results of the efforts made by the RIRs at this conference.
7.4 RIPE
RIPE issues were discussed in agenda point 4.1. No further questions were raised.
7.5 IETF
No issues were brought forward.
8. AOB
1. RIPE NCC Bank Account in Dubai
Nigel reported that a document signed by the Chairman was needed to establish a bank account in Dubai. He confirmed that such a document was required from the banks in Dubai in order for a representative office to request a bank account.
No questions were raised.
2. Christian provided a brief report on a meeting with the APNIC Board held at the last APNIC meeting. He was happy to report that the APNIC Board remains committed to positive cooperation between APNIC and the RIPE NCC.
9. Executive Session
The Chairman thanked the RIPE NCC and the Board members and closed the meeting at 18:30.
New Action Items:
EB305 11/12/2014 NT & AP
Nigel agreed to summarise the Board opinion on the RIPE NCC Charging Scheme model for 2016. He agreed to publish this opinion on the RIPE NCC member mailing list and provide opportunity for discussion prior to the upcoming GM meeting in May 2015.
EB306 11/12/2014 AP
The Board asked for a report from the Interim Audit to be produced and delivered in time for the next Board meeting.
EB307 11/12/2014 AP
The Board tasked Axel to review and update the matrix of legal and corporate documents that are produced requiring Board approval.
EB308 11/12/2014 AP
The Board agreed to have the topic of arbitration as a reoccurring agenda item on the Exec. Board agenda.
EB309 11/12/2014 AP
The Board asked the RIPE NCC to ensure that the General Meeting May 2015 is transcribed and that the minutes recording all resolutions are concise and produced in a summary format.
EB310 11/12/2014 AP
The Board tasked Axel to further develop the idea of a joint RIR Stability Fund and have asked Axel to cooperate on this activity with his colleagues from the other RIRs.
Resolution EB#97-R-01:
1. Replenish the USD account to cover for annual obligations in USD to an amount of USD 1 million (as in previous years), currently the USD account holds USD 0.73 million.
2. Investigate options to further invest EUR 2 million in government bonds plus 2 million EUR in bonds that are about to come to term.
Resolution EB#97-R-02:
The RIPE NCC Executive Board approves the transfer of the TERENA reserve (established when the RIPE NCC was incorporated) to the Clearing House before the end of 2014.
Resolution EB#97-R-03:
The RIPE NCC Executive Board resolves that members sending a termination notice in October, November or December can have their SSA terminated by mutual consent before the end of the year and the annual contribution for the following year shall not be due. The Executive Board instructs the RIPE NCC Management to implement the above resolution.
Resolution EB#97-R-04:
The Executive Board confers on the RIPE NCC management the mandate to initiate negotiations with the intent to rent a new office location.
Resolution EB#97-R-05:
The RIPE NCC Executive Board approves the Draft RIPE NCC Activity Plan and Budget 2015.