- 0. Lunch (1200-1300)
- 0.1 Welcome new board member
- 0.2 Formalising board adviser position
- 1. Agenda / Comments (1300)
- 1.1 Apologies, New Agenda Points
- 1.2 Approval of Previous Minutes, EB#71
- 1.3 Date of Next Meetings (1305-1310)
- - 28 September, 1300, Moscow, preparing October GM
- - November, time tbc, RIPE-61 – Rome
- - November, lunchtime (pre GM), RIPE-61 – Rome
- - 14 December, 1300, RIPE NCC offices, approving Budget/AP 2011
- - 15 December, RIPE NCC Christmas Dinner, Amsterdam
- 1.4 Conference attendance by Executive Board until December 2010 (1310-1320)
- 2. Remaining Outstanding Actions Not Covered by Agenda (1320-1330)
- 3. Report from the RIPE NCC (1330-1400)
- 3.1 Update on Treasury
- 3.2 E-voting recommendations
- 4. General Meeting Minutes
- 4.1 Informal Approval
- 5. Directions 2011 (1400-1430)
- 5.1 Draft RIPE NCC Activity Plan 2011 Vision & Strategy (1430-1500)
- 5.2 Forecast 2011-2013 (1500-1530)
- 5.3 RIPE Research Fund (1530-1600)
- 6. External Relations (1600-1715)
- 6.1 ICANN / IANA
- 6.2 NRO / RIRs
- 6.3 ITU
- 6.4 RIPE
- 6.5 IETF
- 7. AOB (1715-1745)
- 7.1 Admin issues (travel expenses/receipts, documents to be signed)
Nigel Titley, RIPE NCC Chairman, opened the meeting at 13:00
0. Lunch (1200-1300)
0.1 Welcome new board member
The Board welcomed Remco Van Mook to the RIPE NCC Board.
Article 9.3 of the RIPE NCC Articles of Association states that the Executive Board may appoint advisers to the Executive Board. The Board has asked János Zsakó to act as an adviser to the Board. It was agreed to formalise this position for a period of one year. János has agreed to join the Board as an adviser.
1.1 Apologies, New Agenda Points
No apologies, all Board members were present.
Remco raised the point of data/business continuity and asked to include this as a point of discussion under agenda 7. AOB. The Board agreed.
1.2 Approval of Previous Minutes, EB#71
No comment was raised on the previous minutes, the Board approved the minutes of Executive Board Meeting #71.
1.3 Date of Next Meetings
- 28 September, 1300, Moscow, preparing October GM - November, time tbc, RIPE-61 – Rome - November, lunchtime (pre GM), RIPE-61 – Rome
The Board suggested holding an informal meeting of the RIR Boards during RIPE 61.
- 14 December, 1300, RIPE NCC offices, approving Budget/AP 2011 - 15 December, RIPE NCC Christmas Dinner, Amsterdam
1.4 Conference attendance by Executive Board until December 2010
Fahad suggested that a RIPE NCC Board member and possibly a RIPE NCC staff member participate in the carriers capacity event. He agreed to contact Paul Rendek with the details of this event.
ACTION: The Chairman asked for everyone to send all plans and suggestions for travel to Sam by the end of the week.
2. Remaining Outstanding Actions Not Covered by Agenda
EB155 11/03/2009 AP The Board asked Axel to produce a list of performance areas that would be reported to the Board monthly and every quarter. Status: 03/06/2009 – Ongoing. Axel has produced an initial set of performance areas as a starting point. This will be extended as necessary based on Board input. Status: 02/09/2009 – Nigel confirmed that he had an initial review but asked for the material to be sent to the Board list for final comment. Ongoing Status 02/12/2009: Ongoing Status 19/3/2010: Ongoing - The Board asked for a completed set of performance measures delivered in time for their meeting in June 2010. Status: 30/6/2010: Axel proposed to have a small group from the Board to work on this agenda point to propose to the Board. Nigel and Remco agreed to be on the small task force to complete the action item.
EB173 02/09/2009 AP The Board asked Axel to produce a financial plan to take TTM and related services to a break-even point. The plan should be presented at the December 2009 Board meeting. Status 2/12/2009: Ongoing Status 19/3/2010: Ongoing - A verbal update was given. Agreement was reached to review a presentation on the topic via a teleconference to be scheduled. Status: 30/6/2010: Conflicting information was received due to Jochem being away about the financial status. It was agreed that an exact financial situation would be presented to the board explaining what costs are apportioned to TTM and what related costs are apportioned elsewhere and where. Axel has agreed to produce a financial report on the TTM activity. The Board also asked Axel to present the status of the proposed RIPE Maps activity.
EB183 02/12/2009 AP Axel was asked to work with his RIR colleagues to finalise the NRO incorporation documentation and provide the Board with an executive summary of the outcome. Status 19/3/2010: Ongoing - Axel awaiting final documentation Status: 30/6/2010: Ongoing - Axel reported that he is awaiting the final documentation from the NRO EC.
EB185 02/12/2009 AP Fahad and Axel to both produce a list of implied requirements for measuring RIPE NCC performance to meet the requirements of a Customer Service Index. Both lists will be sent to the Board list for further discussion. Status 19/3/2010: Ongoing Status: 30/6/2010: Fahad and Axel will meet on 1 July and discuss an initial proposal for measuring RIPE NCC performance. The outcome will be distributed to the Board.
EB189 19/03/2010 AP Axel was asked to arrange for Board members to have accounts set-up for the ITU doc. store. Status: 30/6/2010: DONE
EB190 19/03/2010 AP Axel to provide the Board with detailed plans for e-voting at the May 2010 GM. Status: 30/6/2010: DONE
EB191 19/03/2010 AP The Board asked Axel to update the draft GM agenda for publication to the RIPE NCC membership. Status: 30/6/2010: DONE
3. Report from the RIPE NCC
Axel referred to the update he published to the Executive Board. In addition, Axel provided a short update from the recent ICANN meeting.
Axel asked the Board to bring forward any other points that they would like to see reported in his regular report to the Executive Board.
EB186 19/03/2010 AP The Board asked Axel to produce a document outlining the legal procedures at the RIPE NCC in cases involving criminal activity including revocation of address space. Status: 30/6/2010: Closed: The action point EB186 has been discharged.
EB187 19/03/2010 AP The Board asked Axel to continue work to ensure that a solid arbitration process is in place at the RIPE NCC and report back to the Board. Status: 30/6/2010: The action item was updated to include the administrative support for the arbitration group.
Axel and Remco gave a short update on the outcome of a meeting of the arbitration group from the RIPE 60 meeting. There was a proposal to outsource the administration support for the arbitration group.
No other items were brought forward for discussion.
3.1 Update on Treasury
Janos provided a review of the RIPE NCC Treasury Statute. He provided feedback on areas in the document that show minor inconsistencies and he suggested to revisit the document and report back to the Board. EB188 19/03/2010 AP Janos will work with the RIPE NCC to outline the points to include in the Treasury document to be approved by the Board. The document is to be delivered for discussion at the upcoming Board meeting on 15 June 2010. Status: 30/6/2010: The document was discussed and it was agreed that Janos and Remco would work with Jochem on an update. This will be presented to the Executive Board.
3.2 E-voting recommendations
Axel reviewed the electronic voting analysis and issues document that was distributed to the Board.
The possible changes to areas of e-voting were discussed by the Board.
Point 1. Multiple seats / multiple voting: The Board was in favour of keeping the system of multiple elections: one for each seat.
Point 2. Short voting Period: The Board discussed the time period for voting focusing on whether remote voting in advance of the meeting would be an option. The Board agreed to keep the voting time period short as was carried out at the General Meeting May 2010. Member feedback will continue to be monitored by the Board.
Point 3. GM physical attendees vote only by paper ballot: The Board agreed to keep this procedure in place to allow members to vote by paper ballot but they asked that members that wish to attend and vote by electronic ballot be given this option.
Point 4. Electronic voting only for Executive Board elections: There was discussion on whether to extend elections to other meeting resolutions. Following these discussions the Board agreed to continue with the current scheme and monitor whether there is a need for change to include all resolutions in the e-voting process. It was agreed that the membership would be asked for their feedback at the upcoming GM in November 2010.
ACTION: Axel to prepare a report for the GM that will outline the changes in e-voting required in order to include all resolutions. The Board also asked Axel to prepare the required changes to the Articles of Association to be presented to the members, should they agree to include e-voting for all GM resolutions.
Point 5. Registration for remote participation/voting two weeks before the GM: The Board agreed that no change is necessary and that the registration cut-off date for remote voting would remain at 2 weeks prior to the meeting.
Point 6. Proxy Voting: The Board agreed no change and that proxy voting would not be available by electronic means.
ACTION: For e-voting at GM meetings, the Board asked the RIPE NCC to generate an individual password for those attending remotely and those voting at the GM. The Board also asked that Members voting remotely be listed as attendees at the GM meeting even though they are not physically present.
4. General Meeting Minutes
The Board formally approved the General Meeting May 2010 minutes.
5. Directions 2011
5.1 Draft RIPE NCC Activity Plan 2011 Vision & Strategy
The Board discussed the Vision & Strategy section of the RIPE NCC Activity Plan 2011.
The Board suggested minor changes to the order of sections to illustrate their importance in the document.
Following discussions the Board asked the RIPE NCC to continue work on the Activity Plan and present a final version for the Board meeting planned in September 2010.
ACTION: The Board asked Axel to finalise the RIPE NCC Activity Plan 2011 in time for the upcoming Executive Board meeting in September 2010.
Daniel provided an update on the work of the RIPE NCC Science Group including the proposed RIPE Maps project. The Board expressed interest and gave authority for a pilot form of the project to take place subject to strictly defined targets.
Fahad raised concern about authority being given for an activity that did not appear in the activity plan as he suggested that this would remove funds from other items in the activity plan. He added that the pilot project would need to be monitored carefully as he believes the business case for this activity requires more concrete study than what has been presented at this stage.
5.2 Forecast 2011-2013
Axel reviewed the financial forecast document 2011-2013. Discussion about the forecasts took place in the meeting.
The Board agreed that the RIPE NCC should see a higher spike in membership and revenue growth and an increased drop in membership and revenue in the negative scenario. Axel agreed to revise this scenario.
ACTION: Axel was asked to revise the membership and revenue growth/decline in the scenarios of the financial forecast document 2011-2013.
5.3 RIPE Research Fund
The Board discussed the proposal of creating a RIPE Research Fund.
The Board was in general agreement about supporting a RIPE Research Fund but asked for a more formal proposal. After discussion, it was agreed that if the proposal was approved, the Board would make the initial decision on the distribution of funds.
ACTION: The Board asked Axel to produce a detailed proposal for a RIPE Research Fund activity.
Dmitry raised a proposal for a development fund, similar to the research fund, the RIPE NCC could establish to stimulate others to develop tools for activities such as RPKI.
6. External Relations
Dmitry provided an update on ICANN/IANA activities from the recent ICANN meeting in Brussels. After discussion, the Board thanked Dmitry for his update and his effort in monitoring activity in ICANN.
6.2 NRO / RIRs
Axel provided a summary of the latest RIR retreat. After discussion, the Board thanked Axel for the update.
6.3 ITU
Axel updated the Board on activities in the ITU area. The Board discussed the activities and agreed to monitor and participate in future when called upon by the RIPE NCC.
6.4 RIPE
Rob Blokzijl provided an update on activity in RIPE. He reported that the RIPE 61 meeting organisation was moving forward as planned. He also mentioned that the RIPE Working Group Chairs planned to meet on 10 September to discuss issues that relate to RIPE organisation and future operations.
6.5 IETF
There were no issues brought forward for discussion by the Board.
7. AOB
a) RIPE NCC data / business continuity
The Board briefly discussed the area of RIPE NCC data/business continuity. It was agreed that this agenda topic would require further investigation and discussion in the Board.
ACTION: Axel was asked to investigate where reference is made to the Clearing House in the RIPE NCC Articles of Association.
ACTION: Axel was asked to contact the other RIRs to see if they had concerns about protecting the Registry Data of their RIR and if any measures to do so have been planned or implemented.
b) Distribution of IP addresses to criminal organisations
The Board received correspondence from a community member that outlines that the RIPE NCC has issued IP addresses to criminal organisations. The Board agreed that decisions on the legality or otherwise of members should be left to the appropriate authorities.
7.1 Admin issues (travel expenses/receipts, documents to be signed)
The Chairman asked that Board members deal with expenses and receipts after the close of the meeting.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 16:20
Outstanding Action Items:
EB155 11/03/2009 AP The Board asked Axel to produce a list of performance areas that would be reported to the Board monthly and every quarter. Status: 03/06/2009 – Ongoing. Axel has produced an initial set of performance areas as a starting point. This will be extended as necessary based on Board input. Status: 02/09/2009 – Nigel confirmed that he had an initial review but asked for the material to be sent to the Board list for final comment. Ongoing Status 02/12/2009: Ongoing Status 19/3/2010: Ongoing - The Board asked for a completed set of performance measures delivered in time for their meeting in June 2010. Status: 30/6/2010: Axel proposed to have a small group from the Board to work on this agenda point to propose to the Board. Nigel and Remco agreed to be on the small task force to complete the action item.
EB173 02/09/2009 AP The Board asked Axel to produce a financial plan to take TTM and related services to a break-even point. The plan should be presented at the December 2009 Board meeting. Status 2/12/2009: Ongoing Status 19/3/2010: Ongoing - A verbal update was given. Agreement was reached to review a presentation on the topic via a teleconference to be scheduled. Status: 30/6/2010: Axel has agreed to produce a financial report on the TTM activity. The Board asked for a project financial report and the yearly financial report. The Board also asked Axel to present the status of the proposed RIPE Maps activity.
EB183 02/12/2009 AP Axel was asked to work with his RIR colleagues to finalise the NRO incorporation documentation and provide the Board with an executive summary of the outcome. Status 19/3/2010: Ongoing - Axel awaiting final documentation Status: 30/6/2010: Ongoing - Axel reported that he is awaiting the final documentation from the NRO EC.
EB185 02/12/2009 AP Fahad and Axel to both produce a list of implied requirements for measuring RIPE NCC performance to meet the requirements of a Customer Service Index. Both lists will be sent to the Board list for further discussion. Status 19/3/2010: Ongoing Status: 30/6/2010: Fahad and Axel will meet on 1 July and discuss an initial proposal for measuring RIPE NCC performance. The outcome will be distributed to the Board.
EB186 19/03/2010 AP The Board asked Axel to produce a document outlining the legal procedures at the RIPE NCC in cases involving criminal activity including revocation of address space. Status: 30/6/2010: Closed: The action point EB186 has been discharged.
EB187 19/03/2010 AP The Board asked Axel to continue work to ensure that a solid arbitration process is in place at the RIPE NCC and report back to the Board. Status: 30/6/2010: The action item was updated to include the administrative support for the arbitration group.
EB188 19/03/2010 AP Janos will work with the RIPE NCC to outline the points to include in the Treasury document to be approved by the Board. The document is to be delivered for discussion at the upcoming Board meeting on 15 June 2010. Status: 30/6/2010: The document was discussed and it was agreed that Janos and Remco would work with Jochem on an update. This will be presented to the Executive Board.
New Action Items:
EB190 30/06/2010 ALL The Chairman asked for everyone to send all plans and suggestions for travel to Sam by the end of the week.
EB191 30/06/2010 AP Axel to prepare a report for the GM that will outline the changes in e-voting required in order to include all resolutions. The Board also asked Axel to prepare the required changes to the Articles of Association to be presented to the members, should they agree to include e-voting for all GM resolutions.
EB192 30/06/2010 AP For e-voting at GM meetings, the Board asked the RIPE NCC to generate an individual password for those attending remotely and those voting at the GM. The Board also asked that Members voting remotely be listed as attendees at the GM meeting even though they are not physically present.
EB193 30/06/2010 AP The Board asked Axel to finalise the RIPE NCC Activity Plan 2011 in time for the upcoming Executive Board meeting in September 2010.
EB194 30/06/2010 AP Axel was asked to revise the membership and revenue growth/decline in the scenarios of the financial forecast document 2011-2013.
EB195 30/06/2010 AP The Board asked Axel to produce a detailed proposal for a RIPE Research Fund activity.
EB196 30/06/2010 AP Axel was asked to investigate where reference is made to the Clearing House in the RIPE NCC Articles of Association.
EB197 30/06/2010 AP Axel was asked to contact the other RIRs to see if they had concerns about protecting the Registry Data of their RIR and if any measures to do so have been planned or implemented.
--- end