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Minutes 110th Executive Board Meeting


Draft Minutes 110th Executive Board Meeting, 17 March 2017


Paul Rendek




  • Dmitry Burkov, ICANN Liaison
  • Maria Häll, Member
  • Christian Kaufmann, Secretary
  • Nigel Titley, Chairman
  • Remco Van Mook, Treasurer
  • Salam Yamout, Member
  • János Zsakó, Member
  • Hans Petter Holen, RIPE Chairman
  • Sabine Mader, Assistant to the Managing Director, RIPE NCC
  • Axel Pawlik, Managing Director, RIPE NCC
  • Paul Rendek, Director of External Relations, RIPE NCC
  • Jochem de Ruig, Chief Financial Officer, RIPE NCC

1. Agenda / Comments
1.1 Apologies, New Agenda Points
1.2 Approval of Previous Minutes, EB#109
1.3 Dates of Next Meetings

2. Action Item Review, not covered by agenda
2.1 Done
2.2 In Progress

3. Report from the RIPE NCC

4. RIPE NCC Corporate Governance
4.1 Draft RIPE NCC Annual Report 2016
4.2 Draft RIPE NCC Financial Report 2016
4.3 Fraud Reporting
4.4 RIPE NCC Standard Service Agreement Review

5. Preparation RIPE NCC General Meeting May 2017
5.1 Draft Agenda RIPE NCC General Meeting
5.2 Draft RIPE NCC Charging Scheme

6. Good of the Internet
6.1 Community Projects Fund - Implementation & Open Questions
6.2 SEED Alliance
6.3 Internet Protocol Journal
6.4 Rob Blokzijl Foundation

7. Strategic Issues
7.1 Root Nameserver Research Activity


9. AOB

The Chairman, Nigel Titley, opened the meeting at 13:00.

1. Agenda / Comments

1.1 Apologies, New Agenda Points

No apologies. All RIPE NCC Executive Board members were present. Nigel asked if there were any new agenda points.

After a short discussion, the Board agreed to cover RIPE NCC objectives for 2017 in an executive session after the formal board meeting.

Jochem and Remco mentioned that they would excuse themselves from the meeting at 16:00 to meet with the external auditors.

1.2 Approval of Previous Minutes, EB#109

The Board approved the minutes of EB#109.

1.3 Dates of Next Meetings

  • 7, 8 & 10 May 2017, RIPE 74, Budapest, informal meetings
    Sun, 1500-1800, Mon 12:30-13:30 and Wed, 12:30-13:30
  • 12 May 2017, RIPE 74, Budapest, post-election Board meeting
  • 8-9 June 2017, Amsterdam
    All day Strategy Retreat (8 Jun) & Board meeting (9 Jun)
  • 8 September 2017, Amsterdam,
    09:00-12:00 Briefing session, 13:00-17:30 Board meeting

2. Action Item Review, not covered by agenda

2.1 Done

Action: EB340 / 31/03/2016 / AP
The Board asked the RIPE NCC to revisit the structure and quantity of material generated for the preparation of an Executive Board Meeting.
Status 15/12/2016: IN PROGRESS – The Executive Board requested to receive supporting documentation two weeks before the meeting. If necessary, updates to draft documents may be delivered up to one week before the meeting.
Status 17/03/2017: DONE

Action EB369 / 15/12/2016 / NT
Discussion Charging Scheme: Nigel Titley will send an email to the members mailing list to report on the Executive Board's decision.
Status 17/03/2017: DONE

2.2. In Progress

Action: EB345 / 31/03/2016 / AP
The Board asked Axel to join the SEED Alliance after the Board sets a level of funding for 2017 and sets up a committee to support the Seed Alliance.
Status 16/12/2016: IN PROGRESS - RIPE NCC to document detailing structure and working methods, including award committee to be set up, public announcement to be made when ready for applications.
Status 17/03/2017: DONE

Action: EB 351/ 07/07/2016 / AP
Axel to share RIPE NCC's plans in the area of IoT with the Board and keep them informed of relevant developments on this topic.
Status 15/12/2016: ONGOING, the Board requested a revised version of the document.
Status 17/03/2017: ONGOING

Action EB368 / 15/12/2016 / CK & SY
Christian Kaufmann and Salam Yamout to review options for training courses for Board members and to report back to the Board.
Status 17/03/2017: IN PROGRESS, Christian provided an update to the Board with options for general discussion. Christian and Salam will propose a potential supplier for a course on leadership conducted to the whole Board, in Amsterdam, if possible.

3. Report from the RIPE NCC

Axel provided an update on the NRO EC and the ASO AC meetings that took place at the recent ICANN meeting in Copenhagen. He confirmed that the NRO EC was looking forward to the outcome of the independent ASO review. He also reported that the IANA Review Committee that was set-up during the IANA Stewardship Transition conducted their second meeting, face to face.

Axel mentioned that there were many changes in ICANN bylaws as a result of the IANA Stewardship Transition, resulting in new “community powers”. The NRO EC will wait until the completion of the ASO review to determine any adjustments in the setup of the NRO and ASO that may be required.

The Board thanked Axel for his update and agreed to review and comment on the outcome of the ASO review.

4. RIPE NCC Corporate Governance

4.1 Draft RIPE NCC Annual Report 2016

Nigel asked the Board if they had any last comments on the RIPE NCC Annual Report. After some discussion the Board thanked the RIPE NCC for such a concise and well-documented report of the RIPE NCC's activities and services.

Resolution EB#110-R-01:
The RIPE NCC Executive Board approves the publication of the RIPE NCC Annual Report 2016.

4.2 Draft RIPE NCC Financial Report 2016

There was a brief discussion about the Financial Report. Remco mentioned that he was pleased with the work of the RIPE NCC's auditors and with the Financial Report for 2016.

Resolution EB#110-R-02:
The RIPE NCC Executive Board approves the publication of the RIPE NCC Financial Report 2016.

4.3 Fraud Reporting

The Board discussed the issue of members submitting fraudulent information to the RIPE NCC. The Board instructed the RIPE NCC to exercise due diligence in its operations and update any procedures so that all cases of fraud are reported to the authorities.

EB370 / 17/03/2017 / AP
The RIPE NCC Executive Board instructs the RIPE NCC to report all cases of confirmed fraud to the local authorities.

4.4 RIPE NCC Standard Service Agreement Review

In light of the discussions on dealing with fraudulent information, the Board briefly discussed the RIPE NCC Standard Service Agreement (SSA). The Board asked the RIPE NCC for a full review of the SSA to ensure that the SSA has the appropriate provisions that restrict RIPE NCC's liability and allow the RIPE NCC to take necessary steps against fraud.

ACTION EB371 / 17/03/2017 / AP
The RIPE NCC Executive Board asked the RIPE NCC for a full review of the RIPE NCC Standard Service Agreement (SSA) to ensure that the SSA has the appropriate provisions that restrict RIPE NCC's liability and allow the RIPE NCC to take necessary steps against fraud.

5. Preparation RIPE NCC General Meeting May 2017

5.1 Draft Agenda RIPE NCC General Meeting

The Board reviewed the RIPE NCC General Meeting May 2017 draft agenda. Nigel noted that in addition to the proposed draft agenda the members brought no agenda points forward.

There was some discussion about the votes that are cast against discharging the RIPE NCC Board with regard to its actions as they appear in the Annual Report. Board members question whether the actual meaning under Dutch jurisdiction is fully understood. It was agreed that a short presentation by the RIPE NCC Head of Legal prior to the vote would be appropriate to clarify the meaning to the membership.

Resolution EB#110-R-03:
The RIPE NCC Executive Board approves the agenda for the RIPE NCC General Meeting in May 2017.

ACTION EB372 / 17/03/2017 / AP
The RIPE NCC Executive Board asked the RIPE NCC to prepare a short presentation by the Head of Legal for the RIPE NCC General Meeting May 2017 to clarify the meaning of discharging the RIPE NCC Executive Board under dutch jurisdiction.

5.2 Draft RIPE NCC Charging Scheme

The Board discussed various scenarios in detail. Under the current conditions and forecasts the Board agreed to retain the current Charging Scheme with identical fees to the current RIPE NCC Charging Scheme.

Resolution EB#110-R-04:
The RIPE NCC Executive Board approves the Draft RIPE NCC Charging Scheme 2018 and tasks the Management to prepare this document for the RIPE NCC General Meeting in May 2017.

6. Good of the Internet

6.1 Community Projects Fund - Implementation & Open Questions

The Board acknowledged the need to answer open questions about the Community Projects Fund in order to progress implementation of the activity.

The Board reviewed open questions and provided guidance to move forward with the implementation of the Community Projects Fund.

6.2 SEED Alliance

The Board discussed the considerations of the RIPE NCC's involvement in the SEED Alliance. In conclusion, the Board agreed that they support the Seed Alliance and the goals that have been set by the other RIRs. However, at this time, the Board has decided not to move forward in joining the SEED Alliance.

6.3 Internet Protocol Journal

The Board discussed the possibility of future support of the Internet Protocol Journal (IPJ). The sustainability of the journal was seen as important but the Board would like to see a plan and a structure as well as accountability for the IPJ publication.

The Board agreed to meet with Ole Jacobsen, Editor and Publisher of the IPJ, at the upcoming RIPE Meeting in Budapest to discuss sustainable ways to move forward with the publication of the IPJ.

6.4 Rob Blokzijl Foundation

Nigel reported on the progress of setting up the Rob Blokzijl Foundation. He confirmed that the foundation has been set up and incorporated. Work is now underway to collect support for the foundation. The Board agreed that the ongoing sustainability of the Rob Blokzijl Foundation would be discussed yearly in the RIPE NCC budget cycle.

During the discussion, Nigel mentioned that a potential donation could be realised from a bursary but that the RIPE NCC would need to explore if the current foundation articles can be changed to accept the donation. The bursary donation is meant to be used globally and not only in the RIPE region.

ACTION EB373 / 17/03/2017 / AP
The RIPE NCC Executive Board asked Axel to investigate the possibility of modifying the Rob Blokzijl Foundation articles so that the foundation could award individuals from around the globe and not just from the RIPE region.

7. Strategic Issues

7.1 Root Nameserver Research Activity

Axel reported that the RIPE NCC would be looking at the health of the root nameserver system.

No questions were brought forward.


Hans Petter provided an update on the progress of the RIPE 74 meeting to be held in Budapest in May 2017. János, who represents the host on the RIPE Programme Committee (PC), reported that the PC has been very active in setting the plenary sessions. He mentioned that nine presentations had been selected so far for the plenary sessions. Other preparations for the Budapest RIPE Meeting were reported to be on track.

Hans Petter was pleased to report that the RIPE Accountability Task Force had been meeting regularly and has identified a list of areas that cover RIPE workings. The task force will now examine whether there are any deficiencies in RIPE processes that impact transparency and accountability and will bring these forward to the RIPE community for discussion.

The Board thanked Hans Petter for his update and expressed that they were looking forward to the RIPE 74 Meeting in Budapest.

9. AOB

The Chairman closed the meeting at 16:15

Outstanding Action Items:

Action: EB 351/ 07/07/2016 / AP
Axel to share the RIPE NCC's plans in the area of IoT with the Board and keep them informed of relevant developments on this topic.
Status 15/12/2016: ONGOING, the Executive Board requested a revised version of the document.
Status 17/03/2017: ONGOING

Action EB368 / 15/12/2016 / CK & SY
Christian Kaufmann and Salam Yamout to review options for training courses for board members and to report back to the RIPE NCC Executive Board.
Status 17/03/2017: IN PROGRESS, Christian provided an update to the Board with options for general discussion. Christian and Salam will propose a potential supplier for a course on leadership conducted in Amsterdam, if possible.

New Action Items:

EB370 / 17/03/2017 / AP
The RIPE NCC Executive Board instructs the RIPE NCC to report all cases of confirmed fraud to the local authorities.

EB371 / 17/03/2017 / AP
The RIPE NCC Executive Board asked the RIPE NCC for a full review of the RIPE NCC Standard Service Agreement (SSA) to ensure that the SSA has the appropriate provisions that restrict RIPE NCC's liability and allow the RIPE NCC to take necessary steps against fraud.

EB372 / 17/03/2017 / AP
The RIPE NCC Executive Board asked the RIPE NCC to prepare a short presentation by the RIPE NCC Head of Legal for the RIPE NCC General Meeting May 2017 to clarify the meaning of discharging the RIPE NCC Executive Board under Dutch jurisdiction.

EB373 / 17/03/2017 / AP
The RIPE NCC Executive Board asked Axel to investigate the possibility of modifying the Rob Blokzijl Foundation articles so that the foundation could award individuals from around the globe and not just from the RIPE NCC service region.


Resolution EB#110-R-01:
The RIPE NCC Executive Board approves the publication of the RIPE NCC Annual Report 2016.

Resolution EB#110-R-02:
The RIPE NCC Executive Board approves the publication of the RIPE NCC Financial Report 2016.

Resolution EB#110-R-03:
The RIPE NCC Executive Board approves the agenda for the RIPE NCC General Meeting in May 2017.

Resolution EB#110-R-04:
The RIPE NCC Executive Board approves the Draft RIPE NCC Charging Scheme 2018 and tasks the Management to prepare this document for the RIPE NCC General Meeting in May 2017.