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Minutes 98th Executive Board Meeting

19 March 2015, 1300-1800, Beirut, Lebanon

Author: Jochem de Ruig, Sabine Mader






  • Dmitry Burkov, ICANN Liaison
  • Maria Häll, Member
  • Christian Kaufmann, Secretary
  • Nigel Titley, Chairman
  • Remco Van Mook, Treasurer
  • Salam Yamout, Member
  • János Zsakó, Adviser
  • Hans Petter Holen, Chairman RIPE
  • Sabine Mader, Assistant to the Managing Director, RIPE NCC
  • Axel Pawlik, Managing Director, RIPE NCC
  • Jochem de Ruig, Chief Financial Officer, RIPE NCC


  1. Agenda / Comments
    1. Apologies, New Agenda Points
    2. Approval of Previous Minutes, EB#97
    3. Date of Next Meetings
    4. Conference Attendance by Executive Board 2015
  2. Remaining Outstanding Actions, not covered by agenda
  3. Report from the RIPE NCC
    1. Financial Report
      1. Treasury Review March 2015
    2. Legal
      1. LEA Requests
      2. Arbitration
    3. Services
      1. RIPE ATLAS
      2. Working for the Good of the Internet
    4. Active Policy Proposals with Significant Impact on RIPE NCC Operations
    5. Focus Group Meeting Report
    6. RIPE NCC Housing – Office Location
  4. Approval of Annual and Financial Reports
    1. Review Auditors' Management Letter 2014
    2. Draft RIPE NCC Financial Report 2014
    3. Draft RIPE NCC Annual Report 2014
  5. Draft Charging Scheme 2016
  6. RIPE NCC General Meeting May 2015
    1. Draft Agenda General Meeting
    2. Candidates for Executive Board Seats
  7. External Relations
    1. ICANN / IANA
      1. Update on IANA Stewardship Transition
      2. IANA Contract – on basis of CRISP principles
    2. NRO / RIRs
      1. RIR Stability Fund
    3. ITU
    4. RIPE
    5. IETF
  8. AOB

The Chairman Nigel Titley opened the meeting at 13:00.

1. Agenda / Comments

1.1 Apologies, New Agenda Points

The Chairman reported that he received an apology from Rob Blokzijl.
New Agenda point: 3.7 "Aligning Billing Fees for new members."

1.2 Approval of Previous Minutes, EB#97

Nigel Titley asked the RIPE NCC Executive Board for any final comment on the minutes of the previous meeting EB#97. The Board approved the minutes of EB#97.

1.3 Date of Next Meetings

The Board discussed the dates of the upcoming Executive Board meetings.

  • 11 & 13 May 2015, during RIPE-70, Amsterdam, informal meetings
  • 16 June 2015, 13:00, RIPE NCC Offices, Amsterdam
  • 2 October 2015, 9:30, RIPE NCC Offices, Amsterdam

1.4 Conference Attendance Executive Board 2015

The RIPE NCC Executive Board examined their conference attendance for 2015. Nigel Titley asked the Board to review the conference planning document and to provide the RIPE NCC Management with their input.

2. Remaining Outstanding Actions, not covered by agenda

a) Completed

EB305 11/12/2014 NT & AP
Nigel agreed to summarise the Board opinion on the RIPE NCC Charging Scheme model for 2016. He agreed to publish this opinion on the RIPE NCC member mailing list and provide opportunity for discussion prior to the upcoming GM meeting in May 2015.
Status 19/03/2015: closed

EB306 11/12/2014 AP
The Board asked for a report from the Interim Audit to be produced and delivered in time for the next Board meeting.
Status 19/03/2015: closed

EB307 11/12/2014 AP
The Board tasked Axel to review and update the matrix of legal and corporate documents that are produced requiring Board approval.
Status 19/03/2015: ongoing

EB308 11/12/2014 AP
The Board agreed to have the topic of arbitration as a reoccurring agenda item on the Exec. Board agenda.
Status 19/03/2015: closed. See Agenda topic 3.2.2

EB309 11/12/2014 AP
The Board asked the RIPE NCC to ensure that the General Meeting May 2015 is transcribed and that the minutes recording all resolutions are concise and produced in a summary format.
Status 19/03/2015: closed

b) In progress
EB310 11/12/2014 AP
The Board tasked Axel to further develop the idea of a joint RIR Stability Fund and have asked Axel to cooperate on this activity with his colleagues from the other RIRs.
Status 19/03/2015: see Agenda topic 7.2.1

3. Report from the RIPE NCC

The RIPE NCC Executive Board discussed the External Relations Report.

3.1. Financial Update

The RIPE NCC Management reported that the membership growth continues to increase.

3.1.1 Treasury report March 2015

The RIPE NCC Management reported that the USD account was replenished to about
1 million USD.

ACTION EB311 19/03/2015 AP
The RIPE NCC Executive Board tasked the RIPE NCC Management to produce regular overviews over government bonds held and their performance over time at fair value.

The RIPE NCC Executive Board discussed the Treasury Report March 2015.

Resolution EB#98-R-01:
The RIPE NCC Executive Board authorises and instructs the RIPE NCC Management to:

  1. Open an “Investment Portfolio” with ING bank
  2. Purchase four (4) government bonds for approximately 1 million EUR each
  3. Set up automatic transfers of monthly payments to new pension provider "Brand New Day”

The RIPE NCC Executive Board asked Axel Pawlik to publish the latest version of the legal and corporate documents matrix for their internal documentation.

EB307 11/12/2014 AP
The Board tasked Axel to review and update the matrix of legal and corporate documents that are produced requiring Board approval.
Status 19/03/2015: ongoing

3.2.1 LEA Requests

The RIPE NCC Management reported that the Transparency Report 2014 regarding the LEA requests received has been published.

3.2.2 Arbitration

The RIPE NCC Executive Board acknowledged that David Kessens has resigned from the Arbitration Panel and thanked him for his efforts. The RIPE NCC Executive Board will announce this at the RIPE NCC General Meeting in May 2015.

It was noted that a face-to-face meeting of the arbiters is being scheduled adjacent to the upcoming RIPE Meeting in Amsterdam. The RIPE NCC Executive Board is invited to participate in that meeting.

3.3 Services

3.3.1. RIPE Atlas

A short update on the RIPE Atlas Hackathon 2015 was provided.

3.3.2. Working for the Good of the Internet

Salam Yamout reported on progress.

ACTION EB312 19/03/2015 SY/MH
Salam Yamout and Maria Häll will work on a proposal with SIDA (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) regarding the funding for ISIF (Information Society Innovation Fund) projects, as well as further development of the RACI project.

3.4 Active Policy Proposals with Significant Impact on RIPE NCC Operations

The RIPE NCC Executive Board reviewed the current policy proposals and discussed policy proposal 2014-03 in detail. Further, the Board discussed the implementation of policy proposal 2014-04.

ACTION EB313 19/03/2015 AP
The RIPE NCC Executive Board tasked Axel Pawlik to communicate that the intention of the policy proposal 2014-04 "Removing IPv6 Requirement for Receiving Space from the Final /8" is not to de-stimulate the adoption of IPv6.

3.5 Focus Group Meeting Report

The RIPE NCC Executive Board noted that no further discussion was necessary at this point.

3.6 RIPE NCC Housing – Office Location

Jochem de Ruig reported on the process followed to find a new location for RIPE NCC Offices. One property has been identified that matches all the criteria and is financially favourable; it will become available by mid 2016. The RIPE NCC Executive Board discussed the proposal.

Resolution EB#98-R-02:
The RIPE NCC Executive Board resolves to extend the rental contract for Singel 258 for one more year to the end of 2016.

3.7 Aligning billing fees for members within the year

The RIPE NCC Executive Board discussed the issue of LIRs joining in the last quarter of a calendar year.

Resolution EB#98-R-03:
“The RIPE NCC Executive Board resolves that LIRs which close within 12 months have to pay the full annual fee before commencement of a merger/transfer/closure procedure of their LIR account.”

The RIPE NCC Executive Board considered the possibility for the RIPE NCC to invoice for the full year at the beginning of the year, while at the same time allowing for payment in quarterly or half yearly instalments.

ACTION EB314 19/03/2015 AP
To investigate the option to require from members an annual acknowledgement of quarterly or half-yearly invoicing.

4. Approval of Annual and Financial Reports 2014

4.1 Review Auditors' Management Letter 2014

The Executive Board was pleased with the content of the auditors' Management Letter and asked the RIPE NCC Management to take action on the items as recommended and agreed upon.

4.2 Draft RIPE NCC Financial Report 2014

The discussion about the Financial Report 2014 was postponed due to late availability of the document.

To discuss the Financial Report 2014 a date for a teleconference was set for 1 April 2015, 18:00 Dubai, UAE time. Any comments or notes ahead of that time are welcome.

4.3 Draft RIPE NCC Annual Report 2014

The discussion about the Annual Report 2014 was postponed due to late availability of the document.

To discuss the Annual Report 2014 a date for a teleconference was set for 1 April 2015, 18:00 Dubai, UAE time. Any comments or notes ahead of that time are welcome.

5. Draft Charging Scheme 2016

The RIPE NCC Executive Board discussed different charging scheme options.

Resolution EB#98-R-04:
“The RIPE NCC Executive Board resolves to propose to continue with the current fee model with a lower service fee of EUR 1,400 for 2016. The PI fee should remain at EUR 50. The annual fee for Legacy Resource holders with a direct contract should remain the same as for LIRs.

ACTION EB315 19/03/2015 AP
Axel Pawlik to draft an e-mail for Nigel Titley to communicate to the membership regarding the Draft Charging Scheme 2016.

6. RIPE NCC General Meeting May 2015

Resolution EB#98-R-05:
“The RIPE NCC Executive Board resolves to continue the extension of the voting window until Friday morning 09:00 until further notice.”

6.1 Draft Agenda General Meeting

Resolution EB#98-R-06:
“The RIPE NCC Executive Board approves the Draft Agenda for the RIPE NCC General Meeting in May 2015.”

6.2 Candidates for Executive Board seats

The RIPE NCC Executive Board noted that two candidates have been nominated for the elections to date.

7. External Relations


There were no updates beyond the IANA Stewardship Transition matters.

7.1.1 Update on IANA Stewardship Transition

Axel Pawlik provided a short update on the status of the community discussions and proposals.

7.1.2 IANA Contract - on basis of CRISP principles

Axel Pawlik provided a short update on discussions with ICANN about an SLA.

7.2 NRO / RIRs

7.2.1 Joint RIR Stability Fund

Axel Pawlik provided an update on the Joint RIR Stability Fund. This fund is intended to safeguard the RIR system in the unlikely event of an RIR requiring financial assistance. The RIPE NCC would reserve an amount that would contribute towards this Joint RIR Stability Fund.

Resolution EB#98-R-07:
“The RIPE NCC Executive Board resolves to establish a reserve of EUR 1 million as the RIPE NCC contribution towards the Joint RIR Stability Fund. This amount will remain part of the RIPE NCC reserves until the fund is called upon by one of the RIRs.”

ACTION EB316 19/03/2015
Axel Pawlik to draft jointly with the other RIR CEOs, a document defining the operations of the Joint RIR stability fund.

7.3 ITU

No update.

7.4 RIPE

The RIPE Chair, Hans Petter Holen, gave an update on the preparations for the upcoming RIPE Meeting.

7.5 IETF

Axel Pawlik provided a short update on IETF relations.

8. AOB

The RIPE NCC Executive Board thanked Salam Yamout for hosting the meeting and expressed its appreciation of the efforts that went into the preparations.

Open Action Items:
EB307 11/12/2014 AP
The Board tasked Axel to review and update the matrix of legal and corporate documents that are produced requiring Board approval.
Status 19/03/2015: ongoing

New Action Items:
ACTION EB311 19/03/2015 AP
The RIPE NCC Executive Board tasked the RIPE NCC Management to produce regular overviews over government bonds held and their performance over time at fair value.

ACTION EB312 19/03/2015 SY/MH
Salam Yamout and Maria Häll will work on a proposal with SIDA (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) regarding the funding for ISIF (Information Society Innovation Fund) projects, as well as further development of the RACI project.

ACTION EB313 19/03/2015 AP
The RIPE NCC Executive Board tasked Axel to communicate that the intention of the policy proposal 2014-04 "Removing IPv6 Requirement for Receiving Space from the Final /8" is not to de-stimulate the adoption of IPv6.

ACTION EB314 19/03/2015 AP
To investigate the option to require from members an annual acknowledgement of quarterly or half-yearly invoicing.

ACTION EB315 19/03/2015 AP
Axel Pawlik to draft an e-mail for Nigel Titley to communicate to the membership regarding the Draft Charging Scheme 2016.

ACTION EB316 19/03/2015
Axel Pawlik to draft jointly with the other RIR CEOs a document defining the operations of the Joint RIR stability fund.

Resolution EB#98-R-01:
The RIPE NCC Executive Board authorises and instructs the RIPE NCC Management to:

  1. Open an “Investment Portfolio” with ING bank
  2. Purchase four (4) government bonds for approximately 1 million EUR each
  3. Set up automatic transfers of monthly payments to new pension provider "Brand New Day”

Resolution EB#98-R-02:
The RIPE NCC Executive Board resolves to extend the rental contract for Singel 258 for one more year to the end of 2016.

Resolution EB#98-R-03:
“The RIPE NCC Executive Board resolves that LIRs which close within 12 months have to pay the full annual fee before commencement of a merger/transfer/closure procedure of their LIR account.”

Resolution EB#98-R-04:
“The RIPE NCC Executive Board resolves to propose to continue with the current fee model with a lower service fee of EUR 1,400 for 2016. The PI fee should remain at EUR 50. The annual fee for Legacy Resource holders with a direct contract should remain the same as for LIRs.

Resolution EB#98-R-05:
“The RIPE NCC Executive Board resolves to continue the extension of the voting window until Friday morning 09:00 until further notice.”

Resolution EB#98-R-06:
“The RIPE NCC Executive Board approves the Draft Agenda for the RIPE NCC General Meeting in May 2015.”

Resolution EB#98-R-07:
“The RIPE NCC Executive Board resolves to establish a reserve of EUR 1 million as the RIPE NCC contribution towards the Joint RIR Stability Fund. This amount will remain part of the RIPE NCC reserves until the fund is called upon by one of the RIRs.”