Action Points
Action: 17.7 Wilfried Woeber, NCC
To produce the necessary documentation for the new DB software.
Action: 19.6 Geert Jan de Groot
To document new attribute "status" proposed to describe whether a network is delegated, reserved or assigned.
Action: 19.7 NCC
To circulate the revised ripe-115 to the local-ir list for comments.
Action: 19.10 Erik Jan Bos, Wilfried Woeber
Written proposal to extend the "inet-rtr" object ready before RIPE 20.
Action: 19.11 NCC
To propose new domain object for
Action: 19.12 Marten Terpstra (to be taken over by NCC)
To write up the proposed "stored"/"processed" attribute.
Action: 19.14 Erik-Jan Bos
To write a short document describing how to use the rtr-obj to describe location of m-routers.
Action: 20.1 Mike Norris
To flag those countries wo could do their own hostcounting to the NCC.
Action: 20.2 Rob Blokzijl
To bring up the CERT issue during the next TERENA Contributors Committee meeting
Action: 20.3 Rob Blokzijl
To start discussion on the IPv6 working group
Action: 20.4 Mike Norris
To send mail to the list asking for input on the content of the training material.
Action: 20.5 Daniel Karrenberg
To draft outline "applciations document" to support the proposed plan on how to deal with address space requests from VSE's
Action: 20.6 Mike Norris
To recirculate to the mailing list the document on VSE's as drafted by Daniel Karrenberg.
Action: 20.7 Mike Norris
To circulate to the mailing list a summary of the meeting between the Regional Registries.
Action: 20.8 Geert Jan de Groot
To summarise the RIPE handle tool and to distribute to the mailing list.
Action: 20.9 RIPE NCC
To do an implementation analysis on inverse lookups in the RIPE database.
Action: 20.10 Havard Eidnes
To write up a proposal with input from the Local-IR WG and the EOF (European Operators Forum)
Action: 20.11 RIPE NCC
To investigate (as time permits) distribution of the domain information in the RIPE database and to investigate a "private" approach for referrals.
Action: 20.12 Havard Eidnes
To publish the tool to check a primary zone file against registered domain objects, for the benefit of other top level registrars.
Action: 20.13 Milan Sterba
To periodically send out a call to RIPE NCC contributors to publish in the Connectivity Document Store.
Action: 20.14 Milan Starba
To update the Connectivity Document Store home page
Action: 20.15 Milan Starba
To produce a metrics sheet for the Connectivity Document Store
Action: 20.16 Marten Terpstra
To forward the new NACR procedure to the routing-wg mailing list
Action: 20.17 Merit
To announce on the routing-wg mailing list when NACRs will stop being accepted
Action: 20.18 RIPE NCC
To compare the AS690 routing information for European routes as stored in the Merit RADB with the information on the RIPE DB and report on mismatches
Action: 20.19 RIPE NCC
To preload the advisory attribute from information in the Merit RADB shortly before Merit retires the PRDB.
Action: 20.20 Merit
To keep the RIPE community up-to-date on the transition process through the routing-wg mailing list.
Action: 20.21 Herman van Dompseler
To produce (and maintain) an European Mbone map.
Action: 20.22 Francis Dupont
To send a pointer to PIM for BSD 4.4 as soon as it is available.
Action: 20.23 Nandor Horvath
To inform the NIDUS working group about the decision that it had been disbanded.
Action: 20.24 Daniele Bovio
To set up the matrix to keep track of the RIPE meeting actions.