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Meeting Report

The RIPE 45 Meeting was held at the Hotel Fira Palace from 12-16 May 2003 in Barcelona, Spain. There were a total of 322 attendees comprised of the RIPE NCC membership, the RIPE community and government representatives. Attendees also included representatives from APNIC, ARIN, LACNIC and ICANN.


Highlights of RIPE 45 included:

  • the open discussion during the Plenary on the services of the RIPE NCC;
  • an ICANN update by Paul Twomey, President and CEO of ICANN;
  • the proposal to split and rename the LIR Working Group into the RIPE NCC Services Working Group and the Address Policy Working Group;
  • the deactivation of the Tools and NetNews Working Groups;
  • and the second phase of RIPE Meeting webcast trials.

Paul Wilson, APNIC Director General, provided a presentation on RIPE 261 that proposes reorganising the distribution of IPv6 allocations "from the root" to LIRs. RIPE 261, "IPv6 Address Space Management", can be found at:

Daniel Karrenberg, Chief Scientist, RIPE NCC, spoke on the measurement activities and statistics performed by the RIPE NCC, referencing RIPE 271, " RIPE NCC Hostcount in the 21st Century". He noted the benefits and necessity of these activities and requesting support from the community.

"ROSIE", the RIPE On-site Information Exchange, was also launched at the meeting. ROSIE provided up-to-date meeting information and resources to RIPE Meeting attendees and will be featured again at RIPE 46.

The RIPE NCC would like to thank RedIRIS, CESCA, SATEC, FocusPoint, MFN, SURFnet and NRN for the support they provided to the meeting.



The LIR Working Group will split into two groups. The policy-making function will move to the new "Address Policy Working Group" and the RIPE NCC services reviewing function will be moved to the "RIPE NCC Services Working Group". Kurt Erik Lindqvist, Netnod CEO, has agreed to chair the new "RIPE NCC Services Working Group". The LIR WG mailing list will remain active during the transition phase.

The RIPE NCC presented its plans for improved secure communication (via X.509 PKI) with RIPE NCC members.


Wilfred Woeber, UniVie-ACOnet and DB WG Chair, requested feedback from the community on changes to the "status:" attribute and their impact on scripts.

The RIPE NCC will look into the possibility of dbupdate accepting updates with the usual indentation inserted by most mail clients.

The RIPE NCC will also review a request on allowing users more access to its code.

Wilfred Woeber proposed a discussion for the DB mailing list on revising the charter for the DB Working Group.


Gert Doering, SpaceNet AG, provided a global v6 routing update noting fewer undesired prefixes leaking into the global routing tables; a decline in 6bone prefixes being routed; and a corresponding increase in RIR v6 space being routed.

John Crain, ICANN, spoke on the RIR/ICANN discussion to replace the current /23 prefix delegation procedure to facilitate automatic filtering of addresses per RIR.

ICANN is testing implementation of "AAAA" records in the root server system to start this summer and will produce a document in co-operation with RSSAC. Production use is pending approval by the U.S. Department of Commerce.

It was noted that the cut off date for allocating 6bone pTLAs is 1/01/2004. The phase out date of 6bone address space is 6/06/2006.

The RIPE NCC was tasked to enable IPv6 for future RIPE Meeting webcasts.


Two approaches to secure BGP were presented and discussed. Stephen Kent, Chief Scientist - Information Security at BBN Technologies, provided a presentation on how RIRs put secure BGP implementation into production.

And David Cook, CISCO, provided a presentation on soBGP.


After a proposal by Rob Blokzijl, RIPE Chair, the RIPE Working Group Chairs agreed to combine future DNS WG and the DNR Forum sessions into the " DN*" Working Group, beginning at RIPE 46.


Presentations regarding lameness followed by a panel discussion on technical and policy issues were provided. It was noted that lameness checks, on the reverse tree in particular, might become a working group item. The discussion was moved to the DNS mailing list.


Daniel Karrenberg, Chief Scientist, RIPE NCC, spoke on re-focusing the measurement activities performed, and the statistics presented, by the RIPE NCC. Referencing RIPE 271, he noted the benefits of these activities and the importance for the community of access to unbiased and credible data about the overall operation of the Internet. He requested community support for this new approach to RIPE NCC measurement activities.

Florian Frotzler, RIPE NCC intern, presented his thesis on the effects of IPv6. This was of special interest to those attempting to build native v6 networks.


A discussion on draft-ietf-dnsop-interim-signed-root-01.txt was held. Comments are to be posted to the DNSEXT mailing list.

A status update on DISI (Deployment of Internet Security Infrastructures) was provided.


Unsolicited Broadcast E-mail (UBE) volume greatly increased in the last three months with ISPs expecting the UBE load to become a serious technical problem for them by the end of 2003.

The working group was tasked to develop a "best practice advice" on defensive measures against UBE.


It was noted that the EIX Working Group session at RIPE 46 will be in two parts: The first session will be orientated towards ISPs with a series of presentations from IXPs discussing recent trends and statistics in a regular format. The second session will focus on IXPs with presentations on technical, operational and commercial issues that affect IXPs in the RIPE community.


The European Operators Forum convened Monday and Tuesday at RIPE 45. Emphasis was on inter-domain routing and BGP security. A discussion on how to develop the EOF from its current state at future RIPE Meetings was also held.


The RIPE NCC staff presented the RIPE NCC IP Request Tutorial. It explained address space assignment and allocation procedures in the RIPE NCC region.

A tutorial on the "myAS" system, which allows users to devise a control/notification system for BGP route propagation in real-time, was provided at RIPE 45.


The second phase of RIPE Meeting webcasting trials was held at RIPE 45.


The RIPE NCC Hostmaster Centre was open during RIPE 45. The centre continues to be a useful facility for the meeting attendees and will be provided at RIPE 46. Later consultation hours were successfully introduced at RIPE 45 and will be repeated at RIPE 46.


The RIPE NCC's "Meet & Greet" desk was available for first time RIPE Meeting attendees at RIPE 45. "Meet & Greet" was introduced at RIPE 44 and introduces newcomers to the meetings, to key attendees of the RIPE community and to social events throughout the week.


RIPE 46 will be held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands from 1 to 5 September 2003.


The RIPE NCC Executive Board has announced that the 2003 annual General Meeting will be held adjacent to the RIPE 46 Meeting in Amsterdam from 14.00 to 17.00 on Friday, 5 September 2003.