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DNSSEC Key Management and Zone Signing
This content is only available for historical reference.
Olaf Kolkman
$Revision: 1.14 $
Whith the introduction of DNSSEC, zone maintainers will have to also take up the responsibility of maintaining the private and public key material that is used for signing the zones.
Since improper key management could cause verifying DNS clients not to accept one's DNS data, key management becomes an important operational aspects. The private key material needs to be properly protected in a DNSSEC environment and one has to take into account the dynamics of how pubic keys "travel" through the DNS.
This is the documentation for a set of tools with which a DNSSEC key maintenance system can be build. The key maintenance system can be used to build a "secure key store" and it has some knowledge about "key rollover techniques" relevant to DNSSEC.
Table of Contents
List of Figures
- B.1. ssh configuration
- B.2. Architecture outline
- D.1. Securing the signer
About this document
This documentation is under development. Just as the code this documentation came with is a development release. Please help us catch serious bugs and let us know if you have any suggestions for improvement.
Chapter 1. Introduction
Table of Contents
1.1. Background
Zone Signing is the core of DNSSEC management. During the signing of a zone DNSSIG resource records are created for all the data in the zone file. Using these signatures and related public keys security aware DNS clients can verify the validity of DNS data. In addition to creating signatures the signing process introduces NSEC RRs that can be used to validate the non-existence of data.
BIND 9.3.0 contains a tool called dnssec-signzone. This tool signs the zone and introduces the NSEC RRs. To use this tool users have to create key pairs, keep track of these keys and ensure proper usage.
This software suite is intended to ease key management issues. Using this tool people maintaining signed zones do not have to maintain manual logs of which keys are in use.
The intention is that zone signing is "orthogonal" to the key maintenance. The maintkeydb command is used to maintain the keys for a given zone while the dnssigner program will sort out, based on the zone, which keys to use for signing, and which public keys to insert into the zone. The persons running the dnssigner command is not required to have knowledge of which keys are in use, they do not even need "physical" access to the private key material.
The maintkeydb tool offers some assistance to the key manager with maintaining consistency during the key rollovers.
The key management procedures that are implemented are based on early experience. See also the Internet Draft 'DNSSEC key operations' draft-ietf-dnsop-dnssec-operational-practices-04.txt which describes the key rollover described herein.
Chapter 2. Maintaining the Keys
Table of Contents
maintkeydb is the tool designed to maintain keys used for DNSSEC operations. This chapter intends to provide you with a number of examples of the use of maintkeydb while performing certain key management tasks. ( Also see Appendix A, "Cookbook" if you think this chapter is a little too verbose. )
It is assumed that the software is installed on a machine on which the private key are stored. We will refer to as the signer box or shorter, the box. Once the box is configured you can start maintaining your keys. The program maintkeydb is your interface. It can be used in two different ways. With direct command line arguments or as an interactive shell.
Use perldoc maintkeydb to read the documentation that comes with the tool itself.
2.1. Creating keys
> maintkeydb create help |
maintkeydb create will create one key signing key and two zone signing keys will be created. One ZKS set as "active" which means it is used for signing, and one set as "published" which means it is not used for signing zone data. This particular set of keys is created so that the prerequisites for a successful key rollover are met.
bash $ maintkeydb create both RSASHA1 1024 |
It could well be that you would like to have the zone signing key and the key signing key of different length. In that case you will have to specify either zsk or ksk instead of both in the line above.
Instead of using maintkeydb the command line you can also use it as a shell. Below is an example.
maintkeydb -i |
2.2. Deleting keys
There are two methods to delete keys. You can either delete keys by providing a zone name, algorithm and key id or you can, more crudely delete all keys for a specific zone at once. Use delete_id or delete_name respectively. Below are two examples of deleting keys with maintkeydb, one in "shell" mode one from the command line.
bash $ maintkeydb -i |
bash $ maintkeydb delete_name help |
2.3. Rolling keys
Rolling the key pairs is an operation that needs to be done on a regular basis. During a key rollover one key pair gets replaced by another. During the rollover one has to take care of the propagation of the key information through the DNS. Please refer to I-D-dnsop-dnssec-operational-practices-01 for details of the key rollover scheme that has been implemented.
There are two types of rollovers to consider. That of zone signing keys, an operation that does not need 'external' interaction and can be done relatively frequently. The other type of rollover is the rollover of keys signing keys. During that type of rollover public key information needs to be "uploaded" to DNS parents or configured in verifiers. A key signing key rollover will typically occur less frequently than a zone signing key rollover.
In general the rollover happens in two stages, during the first stage the preparations are done. The new keys et has to propagate through the Internet. How fast that happens depends on how fast the changes are applied to your zone (Through the signing operation), how fast the zone is served by secondary servers and on the TTLs on the data previously in your zone. That data may still live in distant caches (see I-D-dnsop-dnssec-operational-practices-01 for the details).
The tools do not provide hooks to test the state of the DNS (yet). You have to verify that all keys propagated to the Internet and wait for 2 TTLs before you engage in the second stage.
2.3.1. Rolling Keys Signing Keys
One needs to interact with "external" parties when rolling Key Signing Keys. During the first stage of the rollover a new Key Signing Key is introduced and the "old" key is marked as being in "rollover" stage.
bash $ maintkeydb list |
The key marked as being in rollover will be deleted during stage2 of the rollover.
What you have to do now is make sure that your parent (the .com zone in this example creates a new DS record to point to your new key signing key. To find out which keys you will have to send to your parent you use the maintkeydb parent data command.
bash $ maintkeydb parentdata key |
If your parent's registrar only accepts "DS" RRs you can alternatively specify ds instead of key:
bash $ maintkeydb parentdata ds |
If you want to verify what appears in your zone file you can issue the maintkeydb showkeys command this will output the key set as it will appear in your zone file.
or, if you want to see the KSKs in your keyset only use the ds option, that will only print the key signing keys, as a bonus the DS RRs will be printed.
bash $ maintkeydb showkeys ds |
Note the comments that indicate which keys are to be sent to the parent.
You will now have to wait until your parent has published the "new" DS RR and for the "old" DS RR to expire from all the caches, that live somewhere on the Internet and are not under your control. It will take at least the TTL value of the "old" DS RR as published by your parent for that to happen. You may want to play safe and wait for the signature over the "old" DS to be expired before pulling the DNSKEY it points to. Pulling the DNSKEY is done by "stage2" of the rollover.
You can verify that the key previously marked to be in "rollover" has now been removed.
2.3.2. Rolling Zone Signing Keys
The prerequisite for a zone signing key rollover is that there are two keys present, one is set to active and is used for signing, the other is only published i.e. available in the DNS, but is not used for signing. If you have used the "create" function with the default settings the two keys should have been created.
Again you have to take into account that it takes a while before data published in the DNS has reached all the clients. So do not roll to fast. The timing mostly depends on your TTL settings.
We perform a stage one rollover using the interactive mode:
You can tell that the key with key ID 25589, the key that was previously active is set to "published" and has its rollover attribute set (the "(R)" behind the at the end). There is a newly created key with ID 25379 that is set to active. The times are both "reset" to 0 as these indicate the time since the last state change and both keys had a state change.
In the stage2 key rollover the published key with the rollover key will be deleted and a new key will be published that is ready for introduction as a signing key in the future. We demonstrate the stage two rollover in the command line mode.
bash $ maintkeydb rollover zsk-stage1 RSASHA1 |
Oops.. typo... you see the tool provides a warning and returns a non-zero return code.
bash $ maintkeydb rollover zsk-stage2 RSASHA1 |
Chapter 3. Operating the signer
Table of Contents
3.1. Stand Alone Signer
The dnssigner is the application that uses the key store to sign zones. The intention is that the "user" is not aware of which keys are currently being marked as "active", "passive" or in "rollover" but just signs the zone. During the signing operation the appropriate set of public keys will be added and the zone will be signed with the appropriate private keys.
The dnssigner command takes the following form:
dnssigner -h |
The arguments are similar BIND's dnssec-signzone except that key information is not needed.
3.2. Client/Server
The same functionality can be provided through a "SOAP" based zone signer server-client application. The client provides the zones and arguments while the server does all the work, all communication is over a SOAP channel. Refer to Section B.4, “ Configuring the SOAP based zone signer daemon ” for how to configure the daemon.
The client has exactly the same arguments as dnssigner but needs the address and port number of the server.
Appendix A. "Cookbook"
Here we describe the steps to take when maintaining a zone.
Create keys
Use the signer to sign your zone and publish the signed zone in the DNS.
After some time (say a few months) roll your zone signing keys.
Use the signer to sign your zone and publish the signed zone in the DNS. Wait until the change has been picked up by all your secondary servers and then wait at least the the maximum TTL value over all the records in your zone, then proceed with stage2.
Use the signer to sign your zone and publish the signed zone in the DNS.
Once ever so often (say once or twice per year) roll your key-signing keys
Use the signer to sign your zone and publish the signed zone in the DNS. Remember the TTL on the DS record currently at your parent. (dig DS) and upload the new key that you obtain from the database with:
Wait until your parent has published the new DS in all its authoritative servers and then at least another TTL of the previous DS (you noted that above). Only then perform stage2 of the KSK rollover:
bash $ maintkeydb rollover ksk-stage2 RSASHA1 |
Use the signer to sign your zone and publish the signed zone in the DNS and the rollover is done.
Note that the command issued is exactly the same, even after the rollover of the keys. The whole issue of key maintenance has been seperated from the signing of the zone.
Appendix B. Installation and Configuration
Table of Contents
B.1. Architecture
See Figure B.2, “Architecture outline”.
We provide the a perl library(Net::DNS::SEC::Maint::Key) that implements a "keystore". And a perl library(Net::DNS::SEC::Maint::Zone) that implements the interactions between zonefiles and the keystore. The maintkeydb application implements the user interface using the first library while dnssigner is the user interface for the second.These software components can be integrated in the provisioning chain but it is possible, and preferred, to use these components to build a key store/signer application server.
The libraries can be used to build additional key management applications.
If the application server is properly set up getting access to the private keys will be non-trivial for users that do not have physical access to the machine.
Using ssh magic as in Figure B.1, “ssh configuration”, access to the key store/signer application can be provided through a dedicated interactive shell. That shell can be used to perform key pair creation, rollovers and other key management tasks. Users of the shell do not have access to the private key material.
Figure B.1. ssh configuration
Example content of ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 |
Zones can be signed through a SOAP based client/server application. The zone signer uses the information stored in the key store to sort out which zones use which keys.

Figure B.2. Architecture outline

The key store/signer application server can be build using a out of the box components. A commodity PC with Linux and FreeBSD installed can be used. Some effort should be put in securing the box. We'll give some suggestions later.
B.2. Installation
These are the instruction for setting up the system. If you are setting up a key store/signer application server these instructions are relevant. See below for how to set up a zone signing client.
We assume that all installations are done in /usr/local your mileage may vary if you try to install the software elsewhere.[1]
B.2.1. Prerequisites
First you have to make sure you have installed BIND 9.3.0 or more recent. It is important that during the installation you have configured the package with the --with-openssl configuration otherwise DNSSEC functionality will not be available. For example:
On the key store/signer application server you will need to install a recent perl5 and you will have to use CPAN to install a number of perl dependencies.
We have made a "bundle" available together that will allow for "easy" installations of the dependencies. Download the bundle's tar ball. And perform the following commands.
If you would like to install the perl dependencies manually than you can get a listing of them by unpacking the bundle and issuing the command perldoc KeystoreSignerPre.
There are at least two non-perl libraries that you have to have installed for all these modules to be installed succesfully. You will need openssl that is used by the perl crypto libraries Since there is some XML library dependency you will have to have the expat libraries installed on your system. These are available on the Sourceforge website.
> tar -xvzf Bundle-Private-KeystoreSignerPre-0.001_1.tar.gz |
Just enter the defaults for any questions asked during the installation process.
During the installation process you may see warnings like:
The most recent version "2.07" of the module "File::Copy" |
it is safe to ignore these if you have a recent version of perl.[2]
B.2.2. Installing Net::DNS::SEC::Maint::Key and Net::DNS::SEC::Maint::Zone
Once you have the prerequisite bundles installed you can start installing Net::DNS::SEC::Maint::Key and Net::DNS::SEC::Maint::Zone. You will need to install the packages in the above order. What follows is an example install session. Except for the version numbers, which may be different, you can just cut and paste these commands.
> tar -xvzf Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key-0.010_1.tar.gz |
> tar -xvzf Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Zone-0.010_2.tar.gz |
You should not get complaints about missing dependencies when you run perl Makefile.PL. During make test a number of tests are run. They will surely fail if dnssec-keygen and or openssl are not in your path.
B.2.3. Installing the zone signer client
Since the zone signer client has fewer dependencies the zone signer client script can be installed as a separate package. This package only depends on IO::Handle, File::Basename, Getopt::Std and SOAP::Transport::HTTP .
If you are uncertain the following command should get you all set:
perl -MCPAN -e 'install qw(IO::Handle File::Basename SOAP::Transport::HTTP);'.
Note that Getopt::Std is excluded. It comes with recent perl versions.
The installation package can be created from the Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Zone distribution by running the command.
> tar -xvzf Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Zone-0.010_2.tar.gz |
This will create a tar ball named Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-ZoneSigner-0.00_01.tar.gz(version number probably differs). Copy this file to the appropriate machine and install.
> tar -xvzf Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-ZoneSigner-0.00_01.tar.gz |
B.2.4. Setting up your UNIX environment
In order for the tools to work you will have to set up a couple of directories in which the private key material will be kept.
All users of the key store will need to be member of a specific group we use the group dnssecmt as the example throughout this document. Make sure you edited /etc/group to include the uid's you want to allow access to private key material.
Create the needed directories and set the appropriate permissions by issuing the following commands.
mkdir /usr/local/var/dnssec_maint/ |
B.3. Configuration
Once you have installed the software you have to configure your key store/signer. Both the key store and and the signer depend on the same configuration settings.
The Net::DNS::SEC::Maint::Key package came with dnssecmaint-config. You can use this program to install a configuration file. At a later stage you can use this program to modify your configuration.
dnssecmaint-config is called without arguments. It will ask for a few configuration settings. In most cases the defaults make sense. What follows is a example session. The program must be run with write permissions for the directory where you want to store the configuration file (default location for this file will be /usr/local/etc/dnssecmaint.conf)
This is a program to write Net::DNS::SEC::Maint configuration files. |
The last line is particularly important. You will have to set the DNSSECMAINT_CONFFILE to point to the relevant configuration file. You are best off if you do this for all users of the system.
On a related note. Most configuration parameters can be overwritten by environment variables. This is essentially what the dnssecmaint-config does internally. At startup it tries to establish the path to BIND's dnssec-keygen program and then sets DNSSECMAINT_DNSSEC_KEYGEN. When the dnssecmaint-config asks for the path for dnssec-keygen you see a warning that the default presented is read from the DNSSECMAINT_DNSSEC_KEYGEN environment varialle.
Finally a warning. The system defaults to the use of /dev/urandom as the random number generator. The reason for doing so is that on a server without mouse and/or keyboard the ammount of entropy gathered will not be enough to keep /dev/random going. /dev/urandom are pseudo random and not the best choice for key generation. Also see truly_random
B.4. Configuring the SOAP based zone signer daemon
We provide dnssigner for signing zones while having direct access to the filesystem on which the private keys live. This is often not the model under which the system is operated. Therefore we also provide an dnssigner_daemon and dnssigner_client application that communicate to each other over a "SOAP" based connection (see Figure B.2, “Architecture outline” and Section B.2.3, “Installing the zone signer client”).
You should start the daemon at system initialization. Start with two parameters the IP address and the port the daemon should start on.
dnssigner_daemon -h ipaddress -p portnumber
Whenever you run dnssigner_daemon you will have to use the same IP address (or hostame) and portnumber.
[1] Do not hesitate to contact the developer if you run into problems
[2] Other errors than these are an indication that things go wrong. During the tests of this bundle we constantly ran into a problem with one of the more esotheric dependencies. During the install of the libwww-perl package a few of the t/robottests. After digging around for some time we found that /etc/hosts contained the wrong IP address mapping for our hostname.
Appendix C. Where do your private keys live
The system has been designed to be used as a frontend to BIND's dnssec-keygen and dnssec-signzone. Any person with shell access and appropriate permissions will have access to the private key material. The maintkeydb tool will obfuscate the private key material and if maintkeydb is used as a "user shell" than users will not be able to see the private key material.
The key material is stored in the directory configured in the configuration file under dns_key_db this directory defaults to /usr/local/var/dnssec_maint/DNS_Key_DB.
For each zone for which keys are maintained there is a sub directory with the name of that zone. In these zones there is on directory called Expired_keys. This is where keys are moved to when deleted. So in case of accidental deletion somebody with physical access can still get to the private key material.
In addition to the Expired_keys directory the zone specific directories contain files called K<zonenzme>.+<algid>+<keytag>.(adm|attr|key|private). The files with the extension key and private contain the public and the private key as generated by dnssec-keygen the file with the extension attr contains "attribute" information needed to operated the key store, while the file with extension adm contains some administration and audit information.
You should replicate the database directory on a regular basis. Either by using a mirrored disk or by making regular backups on tape, floppy or optical media. Note that the backup media contain private key material and must thus be protected against disclosure or theft.
One of the methods to protect the private key material is to store it on an encrypting file system (for example CFS). When using a encrypting filesystem backups or replications can be made from the encrypted private keys and the private keys are better protected against physical theft.
Appendix D. How to make your key store/signer application more secure
The only thing we provide is the software to create the key store and the dnssigner that interacts with it. It is your own responsibility to create an application server that suits your security needs. Below we provide some hints on what sort of solutions you can apply to make your server more secure. The assumption is that dnssigning has to be done in an operational environment and on a regular basis. "Sneakernet" is not an option.
- Random Number Generator
The system defaults into using /dev/random this choice was made to prevent the system from blocking while waiting for entropy to be gathered from a not-present keyboard. We suggest to use hardware random number generators such as the ones available on USB devices. See truly_random for details.
- Encrypt Private Keys
Use an encrypted file system to store the private keys (see Appendix C, Where do your private keys live)
- Root access
The root user has access to the private key material
Only allow root access from "the console".
- Network security
Make sure there are several firewalls between the application and the Internet.
Connect the key store/signer application server to a "management machine" through a cross cable.
Use IPtables to only allow an SSH connection and a connection over the SOAP port from the management machine.
Only allow the "keymaintainer" to log in via ssh, make the maintkeydb program the default shell for that user.
Figure D.1. Securing the signer
Paul Wouters, Miek Gieben and his colleagues at NLnet Labs for testing early beta's of this work and for giving feedback. Timothy Mc Ginnis and Emma Bretheric for reviewing the documentation.
World Wide Web
[truly_random] Rick van Rein. Copyright © 2002 OpenFortress. How To Generate Truly Random Bits. Link verified: September 2005 .
IETF documents
[dnssec-operational-practices] Olaf M. Kolkman and Miek Gieben. Copyright © 2005 ISOC. DNSSEC Operational Practices. March 2005. Link verified: September 2005 .
[rfc1034] Domain names - concepts and facilities. P. Mockapetris. 1 November 1987.
[rfc1035] Domain names - implementation and specification. , P. Mockapetris. , 1 November 1987.
[rfc4033] DNS Security Introduction and Requirements . R. Arends . R. Austein . M. Larson . D. Massey . S. Rose . March 2005 .
[rfc4034] Domain names - implementation and specification . R. Arends . R. Austein . M. Larson . D. Massey . S. Rose . March 2005 .
[rfc4035] Protocol Modifications for the DNS Security Extensions . R. Arends . R. Austein . M. Larson . D. Massey . S. Rose . March 2005.