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Wednesday, 29 September - 17:00-18:30


Title: One World, One Internet A Historical Perspective PDF 930KB
Speaker: Elise Gerich (IANA)


Title: IPv4: an Interesting Future PDF 930KB
Speaker: Rob Blokzijl (RIPE Chair)

Wednesday, 29 September - 17:00-18:30

Title: DNSSEC Panel

Title: GOST Cryptoalgorithms in DNSSEC PDF 2MB
Speaker: Vasil Dolmatov (Cryptocom)
Abstract: The real-life operation scheme based on current software implementations which uses GOST cryptography in DNSSEC is presented. It is shown that the arbitrary mix of cryptographic algorithms in DNSSEC trust chain is possible and the operation is smooth and seamless. The availability of DNSSEC implementation based on certified GOST cryptographic software which is necessary in some implementations by Russian laws is announced.

Speaker: Ondrej Filip (CZ.NIC)

Speaker: Shane Kerr (ISC)

Title: A First Look: The Impact of the DURZ Rollout PDF 358KB
Speaker: Wayne MacLaurin (OARC)

Title: Опыт создания пилотной зоны DNSSec для RU PDF 224KB
Speaker: Alexander Iline (MSK-IX)

Title: Lightning Talk: DNSMON PDF 3.2MB
Speaker: Mark Dranse (RIPE NCC)
Abstract: Information and usage examples of the RIPE NCC DNS Monitoring service, > including an update on new features

Thursday, 30 September - 10:00-11:30

Title: Comparative Analysis of .RU, .SU and .РФ Registrations. Main Figures and Facts about Russian Internet PDF 556KB
Speaker: Pavel Kramtshov (TCI)
Main Figures and Facts about Russian Internet

Title: IETF, Making the Internet Work Better PDF 3MB
Speaker: Andrei Robachevsky

Title: Introducing the RIPE NCC PDF 4MB
Speaker: Axel Pawlik (RIPE NCC)

Thursday, 30 September - 12:00-13:30

Title: IPv6 Panel

Title: RIPE Labs - IPv6 CPE survey PDF 213KB
Speaker: Shane Kerr (ISC)

Title: IPv6 implementation AS8359 PDF 281KB
Speaker: Andrey Alexeev (COMSTAR)

Thursday, 30 September - 12:00-13:30

Title: IXP Panel

Title: MSK-IX: Текущий статус и программа удаленного доступа
Speaker: Alexander Ilin (MSK-IX)

Title: Options available for ISPs to "remotely connect" to IXPs in Europe
Speaker: Henk Steenman (AMS-IX)
Abstract: As more and more "remote" networks connect to the larger internet exchanges (for example the AMS-IX membership consist of only 30% local networks) there is a growing need for efficient and cost effective solutions to make these remote connections. This presentation addresses a couple of the possibilities.

Title: UA-IX participant and traffic breakdown and remote connection possibilities PDF 9.3MB
Speaker: Sergii Polishchuk (UA-IX)
Abstract: Three keys to success or how to enter to top European IX list: unique rules, rapid development, effective pricing

Title: Lightning Talk: NetSense PDF 2.4MB
Speaker: Mark Dranse (RIPE NCC)
Abstract: Information and usage examples of the RIPE NCC Routing Information Service, including an update on the NetSense tool and new features

Thursday, 30 September - 15:00-16:30

Title: Operations and Routing

Title: Стратегии закупки внешних Интернет ресурсов PDF 1.04MB
Speaker: Alexander Teremetsky (Beeline/Sovintel/GT/Corbina)

Title: Implementation CORE switches PDF 1.57MB
Speaker: Tomas Marsalek (NIX)

Title: Операторы, пользователи и контент: баланс интересов PDF 544KB
Speaker: Vadim Vankov (Akado Telecom)

Thursday, 30 September - 17:00-18:30

Title: DDoS Attacks Panel
Moderator: Pavel Antonov (CISCO)
Abstract: We are increasingly learning from the press about DDoS attacks on Russian companies. DDoS attacks have become an important issue not only for companies that do business directly on the Internet, but for all companies that have just a website. DDoS is an even more urgent problem for ISPs. Attacks aimed at an ISP's clients have a negative impact on the performance of ISP's networks and, in some cases, an ISP's networks can be brought down completely during DDoS attacks. On the other hand, DDoS attacks for an ISPs are not only a problem but can also be an opportunity for the development of additional services to protect their customers. During this session, representatives of ISPs will share their practical experiences on fighting against DDoS-attacks and protecting their customers from this threat. Consideration will be given to both the technical and legal aspects of DDoS protection.

В последнее время мы все чаще и чаще узнаем из прессы о совершенных на российские компании DDoS-атаках. DDoS стал актуальной проблемой не только для компаний которые непосредственно ведут бизнес в Интернете, но и для всех кто хотя бы имеет web сайт. Вдвойне актуальной проблемой DDoS стал и для операторов связи, так как атаки, нацеленные на клиентов операторов связи, оказывают как минимум негативное влияние на производительность сетей операторов, а в ряде случаев сети операторов оказываются полностью неработоспособны во время атак. С другой стороны, DDoS для операторов явился не только проблемой, но и возможностью для развития дополнительных услуг по защите своих клиентов. В ходе этой сессии представители операторов связи поделятся своим практическим опытом по противодействию DDoS-атакам, и защите своих клиентов от этой напасти. Будут рассмотрены как технические, так и юридические аспекты борьбы с DDoS.

Part of this session will be presentations:

Title: Практические аспекты противодействия DDOS атакам PDF 994KB
Speaker: Roman Emelyanov (TTK)

Title: SLA в услуге Anti-DDoS PDF 659KB
Speaker: Ivan Miroshnichenko (RTComm)

Abstract: В докладе будут рассмотрены следующие вопросы:

  • Основные параметры услуги
  • Формализация DDoS-атаки - возможно ли такое?
  • От уровня данных к уровню сервиса

Title: Практические аспекты противодействия DDOS атакам
Speaker: Roman Emelyanov (TTK)

Abstract: The presentation discusses examples of practical measures to counter attacks such as DDoS attacks. The main emphasis is on technical components and specific indicators of telecommunication systems. Material is accompanied by graphics and screen shots.

В презентации рассматриваются примеры практических мероприятий по противодействию распределённых атак типа отказ в обслуживании. Основной акцент сделан на технической составляющей, приводятся конкретные показатели телекоммуникационных систем. Материал сопровождается графиками и скриншотами.

Thursday, 30 September - 17:00-18:30

Title: A Regional Operations Meeting? PDF 102KB
Speaker: Paul Rendek (RIPE NCC)

Friday, 1 October - 10:00-11:30

Title: DNS Services

Title: Distributed DNS System and DNS-statistics for .RU PDF 5.4MB
Speaker: Valery Temnikov (TCI)

Title: NSEC to NSEC3 transition PDF 384KB
Speaker: Ondrej Filip (CZ NIC)

Friday, 1 October - 12:00-13:30

Title: Internet Governance Forum 2010 PDF 91KB
Speaker: Paul Rendek (RIPE NCC)

Title: Future Internet: Requirements for the New Network PDF 1.7 MB
Speaker: Sergey Valov

Title: Building of the User Community, Supporting the Idea of Implementing the First Cyrillic TLD .РФ
Speaker: Andrey Vorobiev (RU-CENTER)
Abstract: Introduction of the Fast Track process to Internet users in Russia: more questions than answers Polls regarding the idea of implementation, organized by Russian registrars in summer 2008. Why .РФ, not .РУ? – the most popular question in the local Internet community regarding implementation of the Cyrillic TLD.
.РФ – TLD of governmental significance. Supporting of the Cyrillic TLD implementation by Russian leaders.
Cyrillic in address system of the Internet: implementation on international level
Marketing actions, organized by Russian registrars to promote TLD .РФ
Start of Sunrise in .РФ: first scandals and law suits
The update of Sunrise terms and conditions: collaboration with leading experts in the sphere of intellectual property and Russian Federal service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks
Workshops for patent attorneys in main Russian industrial centers. Summary of promotion among the professionals and plans for popularization of the Cyrillic TLD among ordinary Russian Internet users

Title: Russian self-regulation initiatives in the field of safer internet PDF 272KB
Speaker: Eugeny Bespalov (Friendly Runet Fundation)

Abstract: The Friendly Runet Foundation has been implementing a complex strategy in Russia in the field of safer internet use. When implementing safer internet node functions and dealing with fast-evolving communication technologies a necessity of self-regulation of the internet industry becomes very obvious.
With the participation of Friendly Runet several self-regulation documents were developed.
A Declaration for safety of children and young people on the internet contains basic principles for the industry concerning safer internet use and sets a direction for a consolidation of the industry's efforts.
As a development of the Declaration other specialized and binding public documents were created with the participation of Friendly Runet.
Leading Russian ISPs have signed a Charter for combating child pornography on the net. The ISPs undertook to block web-sites with child porno and to give filtering services to their end-users.
One more public document - a Declaration of Russian hosting providers for safer internet - establishes a procedure for processing illegal content reports and taking down child sexual abuse materials with due account taken of interests of law enforcements.
All these self-regulation initiatives can become a good tool for making Russian segment of internet a safer and friendly media.