Update on Policy Implementation - Phase 2
Phase 2 of the policy implementation of ripe-452, "Contractual Requirements for Provider Independent Resource Holders in the RIPE NCC Service Region", has met with a tremendous response from RIPE NCC members and from their End Users. This allows the RIPE NCC to move to Phase 3 of the policy with most of the resources considered in Phase 2 accounted for.
The RIPE NCC can now move into Phase 3 of the policy implementation in a strong position to complete the implementation in a timely fashion. Phase 3, when the RIPE NCC will contact resource holders directly, will begin 15 March 2011.
The charts below show the progress made during Phase 2. The data is based on figures available on 4 March 2011.

The chart includes all resources assigned to an LIR, LIRs' End Users and Direct Assignment Users.

The RIPE NCC will contact the holders of resources marked as "Feedback Missing" in Phase 3 of the policy implementation.

LIRs could select from the following options in Phase 2 of the policy implementation:
- My Infrastructure (indicating the resource is used for the LIR's network infrastructure)
- My End User (indicating the resource is used by an End User of the LIR and the End User will enter into a contractual relationship with the LIR)
- Not My End User (indicating the LIR does not have a contractual relationship with the End User and the parties will not enter into one)
The bottom chart shows the resources that LIRs marked as "My End User" and for which the required documentation has not been submitted (without
docs), submitted but not yet approved (with docs) and submitted and approved (approved docs).
The resources without documents will go to Phase 3 of the policy implementation.

According to this chart, the total amount of resources to be considered in Phase 3 of the policy implementation is 11,944. Because there are
also independent Internet number resources listed under LIRs that are closed and for which no feedback during Phase 2 of the policy implementation could be provided, the RIPE NCC will also contact the holders of these resources in Phase 3. This means an additional 7,622 resources will be considered in Phase 3, which gives a total of 19,566 resources.