Daniel Karrenberg
Daniel Karrenberg is one of the pioneers of the Internet in Europe. In the 1980s, he helped build EUnet, the first pan-European Internet Service Provider (ISP). In 1989, Daniel was one of the founders of RIPE (Réseaux IP Européens), the key collaborative forum in Europe for Internet coordination. In the 1990s, Daniel led the formation of the world's first Regional Internet Registry, the RIPE Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC), serving Europe, the Middle East as well as, initially, parts of Africa and Central Asia.
Daniel is the Chief Scientist at the RIPE NCC since 2000. In this role he has led a significant number of activities, including the RIPE Routing Information Service (RIS), the global measurement platform RIPE Atlas, DNS Monitoring Service (DNSMON), RIPEstat and, together with NLnet Labs, the Name Server Daemon (NSD). His current interests remain the Internet in general as well as trust, identity, quantum networking and measurements on the Internet in particular.
In 2001, Daniel was awarded the prestigious Jon Postel Internet Service Award "for two decades of extraordinary dedication to the development of networking in Europe and around the world"; he was inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame in 2012.
Daniel lives in Roermond, the Netherlands.