Inactive Mailing Lists
Membership / Join a Discussiondnsmon-user
Archives of the dnsmon-user mailing list.
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Membership / Join a Discussiondnssec-key-tf
Archives of the dnssec-key-tf mailing list.
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Membership / Join a Discussioneepg-wg
Archives of the eepg-wg mailing list.
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Membership / Join a DiscussionEIX Working Group
The EIX Working Group provided a way for the RIPE community to follow the status and activities of Internet Exchange Points in the region.
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Membership / Join a DiscussionEnhanced Cooperation Task Force
At RIPE 54 in Tallinn, the RIPE Task Force on Enhanced Cooperation was formed to advise on issues of enhanced cooperation between the RIPE community and relevant stakeholders, particularly governments and regulators.
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Membership / Join a DiscussionENOG Discuss
ENOG was the regional forum for issues unique to the Russian Federation, CIS and Eastern Europe.
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Membership / Join a DiscussionENUM Requests
The ENUM Request mailing list was previously used for for requests by organisations applying for an ENUM delegation. This list is no longer active and is an archive only.
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Membership / Join a DiscussionENUM Trials
The enum-trials mailing list has been replaced by the ENUM Working Group mailing list.
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Membership / Join a DiscussionENUM Working Group
This was the Mailing List of the RIPE ENUM Working Group
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Membership / Join a DiscussionEOF List
The eof-list mailing list discusses issues around European ISP coordination.