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Supporting Notes for Internet Address Space Request Forms

The following request forms are available:

IPv6 Addresses

  • IPv6 Allocation
  • IPv6 Provider Independent (PI) Assignment
  • Temporary IPv6 Provider Independent (PI) Assignment
  • IPv6 Anycast Assignment

IPv4 Addresses

  • IPv4 Allocation
  • Temporary IPv4 Provider Independent (PI) Assignment

ASN (Autonomous System Number)

IXP (Internet Exchange Point) Assignment

All of these request forms can be found in the LIR Portal. You will need to provide the following for any of the request forms:

1) A maintainer object (mntner) to protect your allocation.
2) The NIC handle of a person or role object. This object will specify who is administratively or technically responsible for the allocation.

The mntner, person and role objects are RIPE Database objects. They contain the information needed to authorise the creation, deletion or modification of other RIPE Database objects. You can create these objects if you don't already have them.

IPv6 PI assignments, temporary assignments, IPv6 anycast and IXP assignments can be requested on behalf of a customer. In that case, you will also need to provide the following:

1) An organisation object with the full legal name of the End User.

2) For legal persons: Recent registration document from the relevant national authorities.

For natural persons: A digital copy of the End User’s passport or another valid ID document. The validity of the document will be verified by a third party called iDenfy.

3) A fully signed Independent Assignment Request and Maintenance Agreement.

There are two model agreements that can be used: the Independent Assignment Request and Maintenance Agreement for normal assignments and the Temporary Assignment Request and Maintenance Agreement for temporary assignments.

It is not mandatory to use one of these model agreements, but you must confirm that the agreement you provide meets the requirements listed in paragraph 2.0 of "Contractual Requirements for Provider Independent Resource Holders in the RIPE NCC Service Region".

Specific Requirements and Additional Information for Each Type of Request Form

IPv6 Allocation

This form can be used to submit a request for an initial or an additional IPv6 allocation.

Address space from allocations can be further assigned to third parties (such as customers). This is not possible with Provider Independent (PI) assignments.

The minimum allocation size is a /32 (equivalent to 65,536 /48s). However, you can request up to a /29 without providing any additional justification. The allocation size should be indicated in the request form.

Organisations may qualify for an initial allocation greater than /29 by submitting documentation that reasonably justifies the request. If approved, the allocation size will be based on the number of existing users and the extent of the organisation's infrastructure.

You must confirm that there is a plan for making assignments/sub-allocations out of the allocation.

IPv6 Provider Independent (PI) Assignment

This form can be used to request an IPv6 Provider Independent (PI) assignment for your own Local Internet Registry (LIR) or on behalf of a customer.

Address space from PI assignments cannot be further assigned to other organisations - it can only be used for the PI assignment holder's infrastructure. There are exceptions for situations where a separate IPv6 address (/128) is assigned per service, for example when letting visitors connect to the assignment holder’s network, connecting a server or appliance to an assignment holder’s network, and setting up point-to-point links with third parties.

The minimum size of the assignment is a /48. Organisations requesting a larger assignment (such as a /46) must provide documentation justifying the need for additional subnets or define special routing requirements for the additional sites for which they need an additional /48 independent IPv6 prefix.

Temporary IPv6 Provider Independent (PI) Assignment

Temporary assignments are Internet number resources supplied to End Users on a temporary deployment basis for a specific time and purpose.

Examples of specific purposes include academic research and experimental purposes, conferences and other types of events that require network connectivity for short periods of time, and other strictly time-limited projects such as deployment tests for new Internet services and technologies.

Assignments will be made for a specific period and will be automatically deregistered at the end of the approved assignment period. Note that the duration of the assignment period will depend on the purpose and includes the time that the End User needs to set up their network. More information can be found in "Temporary Internet Number Assignment Policies".

IPv6 Anycast Assignment

TLD operators and ENUM Tier 0/1 operators can use this request form to request an IPv6 anycast assignment.

The End User should be a recognised TLD or ENUM Tier 0/1 operator, as listed in the Root Zone Database and list of Approved ENUM Delegations.

The organisation may receive up to four /48 prefixes per TLD and four /48 prefixes per ENUM. These prefixes must be used for the sole purpose of anycasting authoritative DNS servers for the stated TLD/ENUM and must be returned to the RIPE NCC if not in use for this purpose.

IPv4 Allocation

This form can be used to submit a request for an IPv4 allocation. Allocations are made according to "IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment for the RIPE NCC Service Region." More information is available on IPv4 run-out.

It is required to register all used address space in valid assignments (inetnum objects).

Temporary IPv4 Provider Independent (PI) Assignment

Temporary assignments are Internet number resources supplied to End Users on a temporary deployment basis for a specific time and purpose.

Examples of specific purposes include academic research and experimental purposes, conferences and other types of events which require network connectivity for short periods of time, and other strictly time-limited projects such as deployment tests for new Internet services and technologies.

Assignments will be made for a specific time and will be automatically deregistered at the end of the approved assignment period. Note that the duration of the assignment period will depend on the purpose and includes the time that the End User needs to set up their network. More information can be found in "Temporary Internet Number Assignment Policies".

ASN (Autonomous System Number)

This form can be used to request an Autonomous System Number (ASN) for your own infrastructure or on behalf of a customer.

An Autonomous System (AS) is a group of IP networks run by one or more network operators with a single clearly defined routing policy.

A new AS Number should be used only if a new external routing policy is required. Please see RFC 1930 for more information. A network must be multihomed in order to qualify for an AS Number.

In addition to the basic requirements, you must provide at least two AS Numbers from your peering partners, their contact details (including email addresses) and the routing policy in Routing Policy Specification Language (RPSL). For further details on RPSL, please see RFC 2622.

Temporary Autonomous System Number (ASN)

AS Numbers can also be requested on a temporary basis. These AS Numbers will be given for a specific time and purpose and will be automatically deregistered at the end of the approved assignment period, which includes the time that the End User needs to set up their network. More information can be found in "Temporary Internet Number Assignment Policies".

IXP (Internet Exchange Point) Assignment

This form can be used to request an assignment that can be used for an Internet Exchange Point (IXP).

An Internet Exchange Point is defined as a physical network infrastructure (layer 2) operated by a single entity whose purpose is to facilitate the exchange of Internet traffic between ISPs.
There must be a minimum of three ISPs connected and there must be a clear and open policy for others to join. Addresses needed for other purposes (e.g. additional services provided to members) should be acquired through the appropriate means (e.g. an upstream ISP).


New IXPs will be initially assigned a /26 by default. Once more than 50% of the initial assignment has been utilised, IXPs can request an assignment up to a /24. In this case, the IXP must return the existing assignment (or existing PI previously issued for their IXP peering LAN).
Once IXPs require an assignment larger than /24, they must return their current one (or existing PI used as an IXP peering LAN) and receive a replacement up to maximum of a /22. After one year, utilisation of the new assignment must be at least 50%, unless special circumstances are defined. More information can be found in "IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policies for the RIPE NCC Service Region".


If the requesting organisation is confident that it will never need more than a single network, then a /64 will be assigned. Otherwise, a /48 will be assigned.
You can provide more details about the usage in the “IPv6 Address Space Usage” section. More information can be found in "IPv6 Address Space Policy For Internet Exchange Points".