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Meeting Report

On Wednesday, April 5, 2023, the RIPE NCC held the first Roundtable Meeting for government representatives and regulators from the South East European region. The hybrid event took place onsite in Split, Croatia and online. It was organised alongside the South East Europe RIPE meeting, which allowed and provided an opportunity for additional engagement with attendees and other stakeholders during the RIPE SEE program and panel discussions.

The meeting was attended by representatives from the SEE Governments and Regulatory agencies in Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Romania.

Out of those, 5 participants joined the meeting onsite and another 4 participated online, representing 6 countries. The meeting started with welcoming notes from the RIPE NCC CCO, Hisham Ibrahim followed by the RIPE CEO, Hans Petter Holen and the RIPE Community Chair, Mirjam Kühne. It continued with a a set of presentations, the first one being about the Internet Landscape in the SEE region seen by the RIPE NCC. In the discussions, special attention was given to the IPv6 deployment uptake and measurements in the region. It was followed by a presentation on IPv6 and security aspects and concluded with a RIPE NCC update on the Global Digital Compact consultation process.

The SEE Roundtable Meetings offer government officials and regulators the opportunity to discuss and exchange thoughts on governance issues relevant to the RIPE community, and to get a deeper understanding of complex technical topics.