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Roundtable Meeting for Governments and Regulators (South East Europe)

Monday, 22 April 2024 

The RIPE NCC held a Roundtable Meeting for Governments and Regulators in the South East European Region on Monday, 22 April 2024 in Kozani Room, Divani Caravel Hotel, Athens, and online. 


Times are listed in UTC+3.

Time Item


Registration, Welcome Coffee and Buffet Breakfast


Introduction and Opening Remarks

Hisham Ibrahim, Chief Community Officer, RIPE NCC


Shaping the Future of Internet Governance at the European and Global Levels

Back in 2005, the World Summit of the Information Society (WSIS) laid out a definition of Internet governance and the formation of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), constituting until today two important pillars of the current multi-stakeholder approach. In preparation for the WSIS+20 Review process and its outcomes, discussions in the ITU WSIS Forum and the UNGA Summit of the Future may redefine this approach. Ahead of these important milestones, stakeholders including governments and regulators will need to adopt clear positions and align their visions to define the modalities which will shape the future of the Internet. A key challenge is to ensure inclusive participation of all relevant stakeholders in these discussions.


  • Desiree Miloshevic, Co-Chair of the RIPE Cooperation Working Group
  • Open Discussion


Network Resilience and Cybersecurity Policy Developments in the SEE Region

This year, the implementation of the European cybersecurity strategy enters a new phase, notably with the adoption of the Cyber Resilience Act and the NIS2 entering into force in October 2024. Organisations and national authorities in the SEE region will discuss aspects relating to key provisions of cybersecurity legislation. These include for instance new sectors being covered in the broadened scope of NIS2, new obligations for vulnerability handling and incident reporting and cybersecurity risk management. Participants will provide insights into their respective local contexts and discuss the harmonisation of EU cybersecurity policy.



Coffee Break


RIPE NCC Insights: Internet Developments in the SEE Region

Regional dialogues and cooperation play an important role in supporting Internet infrastructure and connectivity developments at the regional level. This session will cover trends and updates for the deployment of IPv4 and IPv6 in the SEE region based on data gathered and reports produced by the RIPE NCC.

The second part of the session will provide insights into IPv6 best practices and case studies from the EU region in terms of capacity-building activities and strategies.


Moderator: Hisham Ibrahim, Chief Community Officer, RIPE NCC

Open discussion on how efforts in IPv6 capacity-building contribute to a more competitive and resilient Internet infrastructure in the region.



Closing Remarks Followed by Lunch


Divani Caravel Hotel (Kozani Room)

2 Vassileos Alexandrou Ave.

16121 Athens, Greece