Call for Host for SEE 11/RIPE NCC Regional Meeting
Do you want to host SEE 11 from 3-4 April 2023?
As the SEE Meetings take place outside of the Netherlands, the RIPE NCC is dependent on a local host for supporting the organisation and delivery of the meeting.
How you can benefit as a SEE Host
Hosting a SEE Meeting guarantees your organisation excellent visibility in the SEE and RIPE communities. After we confirm you as Host, we’ll promote your vital contribution by:
- Mentioning your organisation’s name in the opening and closing plenaries and in announcements throughout the meeting
- Allowing you to make a short welcome speech during the opening plenary (no sales pitches please)
- Displaying your logo on the SEE 11 website, in printed meeting material, on participant badges, on the intermission slides and on roll-up banners at the meeting
- Providing space in the coffee break area where you can display one promotional roll-up banner during both days of the meeting
Responsibilities of a Host
As the Host, you will provide general support during the preparation and delivery of the SEE Meeting. This includes the following:
- Assist the RIPE NCC in finding a venue for the meeting that is available during the given dates. Based on previous SEE Meeting attendance, we typically expect between 200 and 300 participants (depending on the destination), and you should consider these numbers when submitting your proposal
- Assist in finding a suitable venue for evening social events
- Provide Internet connectivity at the meeting venue*
- Support participants by providing them with invitation letters for visas when needed
- Print and pay for the meeting t-shirts for the participants (the RIPE NCC will provide the design)
- Print and pay for roll-up banners for the event (the RIPE NCC will provide all the documents to be printed)
- Provide two members of staff to assist with registration and other duties during the setup day and the meeting (a total of three days)
- Assist in finding a webcast service and a photographer for the event
- Provide local PR for the event – i.e., ensure promotion in local press and appropriate mailing lists and invite local government officials
* You can provide this yourself or through a sponsor company
Internet connectivity at the meeting venue
- Must be excellent: at least 250 Mbps
- All attendees must be able to connect to the network
- A separate line for the webcast might be required
- IPv6 is a plus
- As the Host, you might want to arrange with the hotel to shut off their Wi-Fi network in the meeting areas for the duration of the meeting to avoid interference with the SEE wireless network
Networking dinner
The evening social events are an important part of the SEE Meeting. An evening event can be a dinner, a reception, a boat tour or anything that gives the attendees a chance to mingle in an informal atmosphere.
If you’d like to host the SEE 11 Meeting, please email us at [email protected] before 9 May 2022.
Your host proposal should be as detailed as possible, and we require the following information from you:
- The name of your organisation and a short explanation of why you would like to become a SEE Meeting Host
- The city in which you are proposing to host the meeting with some highlights that explain why SEE Meeting attendees might wish to visit this city
- Accessibility to the city (airport, airlines, railway, etc.)
- Information on any requirements, laws, policies (etc.) operative in the proposed meeting location that might affect the meeting or its organisation. For example, you must let us know about any special visa requirements, any permits we would need to obtain to hold a meeting in the proposed location, and so on
- If known, an outline of how you propose to arrange Internet connectivity to the meeting venue
- A list of at least two suitable meeting venues (hotels and/or conference centres) that have availability during the proposed dates, as well as:
- A plenary room of at least 200-250 seats “theatre-style”
- A breakout room of at least 100-150 seats “theatre-style”
- A coffee break area for 250-300 people
- A restaurant (or restaurants) that can host seated lunch for at least 250 people
- A list of venues that can host social events (museums, clubs, restaurants, etc.) with a capacity between 150 and 200
We also invite you to provide any additional information that you think would support your proposal to host the SEE 11/RIPE NCC Regional Meeting.
If you have any queries about hosting a SEE Meeting, please contact us via email.