Wilfried Woeber
Name of Nominee: Wilfried Woeber
Country of residence: Austria
Organisation: Vienna University, Central IT Services, Department: ACOnet+VIX
Email address: woeber@cc.univie.ac.at
Postal address: Universitaetsstrasse 7
A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Biographical Information:
Born in 1951, completed primary and secondary education in Vienna, Austria, started studying Electrical Engineering at University of Technology (no formal degree earned) and was hired in May 1974 by TU Vienna' Computer Center for the IT Service Group in the Faculty of Physics.
Responsibilities included machine language programming, writing and adapting operating systems software (device drivers) for realtime and data-acquisition systems. Later, activities shifted to systems management and coordinating the training and staff development activities of the group.
While using DEC equipment, became involved in the Users' Society (DECUS), both on a regional (German Language) and European level. Maintained contacts to HEPnet/SPAN in support of the Austrian HEP Community and the EARN/BITNET activities in Austria and Eastern Europe.
When TU Wien started to get more involved with networking, contributed to local X.25/X.400/ISO-OSI related projects, including (in parallel) the operation of a Usenet Node in Vienna and the widespread introduction of TCP/IP.
Maintained contacts to HEPnet/SPAN in support of the Austrian HEP Community and the EARN/BITNET activities in Austria and Eastern Europe. These activities eventually led to the creation of the group to build and maintain ACOnet, the Austrian Academic, Research and School Network. Got involved with RIPE and volunteered to be one of the Co-Chairs of the Database Working Group.
Established ACOnet's Local Internet Registry in 1993, managing the LIR since this date (at.aconet).
When TU Wien restructured their Computer Center setup, the ACOnet-Group was relocated to Vienna University and also started to establish the Vienna
Internet eXchange (VIX).
Together with colleagues from the ACOnet Team, was invited to teach at the first University of Applied Sciences established in Austria (Wr. Neustadt), covering most aspects of Networking Technology, both for the Diploma Program and later (up till now) also for the school's Master Program. Topics covered include TCP/IP protocols, routing, core applications (like DNS), security and address management, both IPv4 and IPv6.
Involved since the late 90ies in tracking IPv6 development and then workpackage leader (for infratructure: Addressing, Routing, DNS) in the large-scale IPv6 project (6NET), still involved in IPv6 roll-out support and training.
Together with colleagues, helped to establish the first CERT, Computer Emergency Response Team, in Austria for ACOnet; the team becoming a member of FIRST in due time. Other security-related activities include helping with the creation of the national team CERT.at, and invited to be on this team's advisory board. Occasionally volunteered as a trainer for TERENA's TRANSITS program.
Activities related to ICANN:
On the Address Council since the establishment of this structure within ICANN, initially elected by the RIPE Community and later (due to formal changes in the MoU with ICANN) selected by the RIPE NCC Board.
Within the ASO, actively contributed to the selection processes of the Seats to be filled by the ASO on the BoD of ICANN, served for 2 conseutive periods (2010 and 2011) on ICANN's Nomination Committee and is the AC's delegate for RT4: the "whois Policy Review Team", established under the Affirmation of Committements between ICANN and the US Government.
Motivation for Nomination:
I am convinced that being actively involved in the Address Council, and also giving back to the Internet Community, is a good thing in itself, and it helps with guiding ICANN to stay on track, I hope.
While the AC-related activities now and then are somewhat more time-consuming than should be expected, it is still a rewarding experience. I am prepared to contribute, as best as I can, for another period - in particular in order to see the RT4 activities getting formally and properly wrapped up towards the end of 2011, and then being followed up in 2012.
Last but not least, I enjoy working within this group of professionals in the AC, within the mandate of the ASO (as set out in the MoU between the NRO and ICANN), and in support of the global policy development process(es).
I do have management support from my University to continue with this activity.
Nominations and Support
Name of nominating individual: self-nomination