Draft and Discussion Documents
This section contains draft documents that are intended to serve as a basis for discussion. They can later become fully-fledged RIPE Documents.
Docs / RIPE Document Store / RIPE Documents by CategoryDraft: RIPE NCC Services to Legacy Internet Resource Holders
Abstract This proposed framework establishes the principles to be applied by the RIPE community in offering and implementing registry services for legacy Internet resource holders. The importance of maintaining accurate records in the RIPE database is recognised as the NCC's principal task. The comm
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Docs / RIPE Document Store / RIPE Documents by CategoryDraft: PA/PI Unification IPv6 Address Space - New Policy Text
Abstract This document defines registry policies for the allocation and sub-allocation of globally unique IPv6 addresses to RIPE NCC members and their customers. It was initially developed in 1999 through joint discussions among the APNIC, ARIN and RIPE communities. It has been updated over time by
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Docs / RIPE Document Store / RIPE Documents by CategoryDraft: IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy - Current Policy Text
Draft: PA/PI Unification IPv6 Address Space - Current Policy Text
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Docs / RIPE Document Store / RIPE Documents by CategoryDRAFT v3: IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policies for the RIPE NCC Service Region - New Policy Text
This document describes the RIPE community’s current IPv4 address allocation and assignment policies. They were developed through a bottom-up, consensus driven, open policy development process in the RIPE Address Policy Working Group (AP WG).
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Docs / RIPE Document Store / RIPE Documents by CategoryDRAFT v3: IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policies for the RIPE NCC Service Region - Current Policy Text
This document relates to the policy proposal 2013-03, “No Need – Post-Depletion Reality Adjustment and Cleanup”. If approved, it will modify ripe-592. To show you how the new document would be different to the old one, we have highlighted any new text or changes to the existing text.
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Docs / RIPE Document Store / RIPE Documents by CategoryDRAFT v2: IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policies for the RIPE NCC Service Region - New Policy Text
This document describes the RIPE community’s current IPv4 address allocation and assignment policies. They were developed through a bottom-up, consensus driven, open policy development process in the RIPE Address Policy Working Group (AP WG).
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Docs / RIPE Document Store / RIPE Documents by CategoryDRAFT v2: IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policies for the RIPE NCC Service Region - Current Policy Text
This document relates to the policy proposal 2013-03, “No Need – Post-Depletion Reality Adjustment and Cleanup”. If approved, it will modify ripe-592. To show you how the new document would be different to the old one, we have highlighted any new text or changes to the existing text.
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Docs / RIPE Document Store / RIPE Documents by CategoryDRAFT: IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policies for the RIPE NCC Service Region - New Policy Text
This document describes the RIPE community’s current IPv4 address allocation and assignment policies. They were developed through a bottom-up, consensus driven, open policy development process in the RIPE Address Policy Working Group (AP WG). The RIPE Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC) facilitates and supports this process. These policies apply to the RIPE NCC and the Local Internet Registries (LIRs) within the RIPE NCC service region.
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Docs / RIPE Document Store / RIPE Documents by CategoryDRAFT: IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policies for the RIPE NCC Service Region - Current Policy Text
This document relates to the policy proposal 2013-03, “No Need – Post-Depletion Reality Adjustment and Cleanup”. If approved, it will modify ripe-582. To show you how the new document would be different to the old one, we have highlighted any new text or changes to the existing text.
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Docs / RIPE Document Store / RIPE Documents by CategoryDRAFT: IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policies for the RIPE NCC Service Region
This policy proposal describes how transfers of IPv4 address space between LIRs of different Regional Internet Registries will occur.