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Include Legacy Internet Resource Holders in the Abuse-c Policy

This policy proposal has been withdrawn
Publication date
Draft document
Proposal Version
2.0 - 17 May 2016
All Versions
04 Jul 2016
State Discription
Working Group
Anti-Abuse Working Group
Proposal type
  • Modify
Policy term

Summary of Proposal

This proposal is about extending ripe-563, “Abuse Contact Management in the RIPE Database”to Legacy Resource Holders.

Policy Text

a. Current policy text

The proposed modification adds a new section and does not modify the current policy text.

b. New policy text

New section:

1.0 Scope

This policy applies to:

  • Resources assigned and allocated by the RIPE NCC
  • Legacy Internet Resources (as defined in “RIPE NCC Services to Legacy Internet Resource Holders”). In these cases, the policy is applied when creating or modifying Legacy Internet Resource objects in the RIPE Database.


The policy ripe-563 (“Abuse Contact Management in the RIPE Database”) introduced the new contact attribute “abuse-c”. Although this attribute is mandatory for aut-num objects and directly-allocated inetnum and inet6num objects, it cannot be enforced for Legacy Internet Resources (see ripe-639, “RIPE NCC Services to Legacy Internet Resource Holders”, section 1.2, paragraph 2).

This difference in dealing with resources assigned or allocated by the RIPE NCC compared to Legacy Internet Resources leads not only to an inconsistent data model used in the RIPE Database but also to poor quality and a lack of abuse contacts for some resources in the database.

It will benefit the entire Internet community to have better quality abuse contact data.

a. Arguments supporting the proposal

  1. More consistent data model (at the end of the process).
  2. Simpler abuse contact finding tools.
  3. More accurate data for abuse contacts. If the Legacy Resource Holders will receive an error due to the improper creating or updating of Legacy Internet Resource objects, they will receive a dedicated friendly explanation about abuse-c instead of a generic error message.

b. Arguments opposing the proposal

  1. Some knowledge has to be gained and work has to be done by Legacy Resource Holders.
  2. The proposal has a long term effect, since some Legacy Internet Resource objects are stale and will not probably be changed in the near and predictable future.