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Attendee List
Akkerhuis | Jaap | NLnet Labs | NL |
Bidron | Alain | France Telecom | FR |
Boyle | Martin | DTI | GB |
Brukstus | Rolandas | Communications Regulatory Authority | LT |
Crocker | Steve | ICANN | US |
Dee | William | European Commission | BE |
Faltstrom | Patrik | Swe. Govt. IT Policy and Strategy Group | SE |
Galikova | Tereza | Ministry of Informatics | CZ |
Gorichon | Jean-Claude | CGTI - Ministere de l'Industrie | FR |
Haberler | Michael | Internet Foundation Austria | AT |
Hall | Maria | Swe. Govt. IT Policy and Strategy Group | SE |
Hubert | Jean-Michel | Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres | FR |
Hultzsch | Hagen | ICANN | DE |
Jaume-Rajaonia | Sabine | GIP RENATER | FR |
Kuehne | Mirjam | ISOC | CH |
Kummer | Markus | UN WGIG | CH |
Le Moine | Didier | Ministère de l'Industrie | FR |
Leibrandt | Michael | BMWI | DE |
Mijuskovic | Pavle | Agency for Telecommunications | YU |
Mulley | Chris | Ofcom | GB |
Plzak | Ray | ARIN | US |
Reichinger | Kurt | RTR-GmbH (Austrian Regulatory Authority) | AT |
Samuelsson | Jorgen | Ministry of Industry | SE |
Seppia | Giovanni | ICANN | IT |
Serentschy | Georg | RTR-GmbH | AT |
Storm | Ørnulf | Norwegian Post and Telecom Authority | NO |
Trumpy | Stefano | CNR/IIT | IT |
Valikonis | Jonas | Ministry of Transport and Communications | LT |
Vallner | Uuno | Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communi | EE |
van Dijk | Driek | Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX) | NL |
Van Selm | Marc | NATO C3 Agency | NL |
Vilkkonen | Laura | Ministry of Transport and Communications | FI |