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The event took place on 19-20 September 2023 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Tuesday, 19 September

Meeting room: Silk Road



Introduction to Peering and Peering Forums 101

This session will provide participants with a basic understanding of everything they need to know to start talking about peering and interconnection. It will help explain not only the technical aspects of interconnection but also how to interact with other peering prospects and how to become more involved in the peering ecosystem. The main topics include:

  • Peering vs Transit
  • Peering economics
  • Getting started with tools and databases
  • The interpersonal aspect of peering and the importance of 1:1s.

Nishal Goburdhan, Packet Clearing House (PCH)


Peering Personals


Coffee Break


Official Opening: High-Level Statements and Updates

    • Oleg Pekos, First Deputy Minister of Digital Technologies of Uzbekistan
    • Hans Petter Holen, Managing Director and CEO, RIPE NCC
    • Akmal Arifdjanov, Deputy Chairman of the Board for Prospective Development and Innovation, Uztelecom
    • Muzaffar Djalalov, Rector, INHA University in Tashkent

Connectivity in Central Asia

In this session, we will be engaging with a few large telecom providers and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from the region on the current and future of the interconnection landscape in Central Asia. 

Opening Slides, Jelena Cosic, RIPE NCC

  • Nurlan Meirmanov, Chief Director for Innovation, Kazakhtelecom
  • Akmal Arifdjanov, Deputy Chairman of the Board for Prospective Development and Innovation, Uztelecom
  • Myrzabek Shadybekov, Technical Director, Kyrgyztelecom

Moderator: Vahan Hovsepyan, RIPE NCC


Peering Personals


K-root Server Launching Ceremony

  • Eldar Ishimbayev, Deputy General Director, Uzinfocom
  • Vahan Hovsepyan, External Relations Officer, RIPE NCC



Measuring and Securing the Internet

This session will focus on some tools and methodologies to measure the Internet, its stability and resilience.

  • Some Futures for IXPs

Ruben van den Brink, AMS-IX

  • Advancing Network Security: Post-Quantum Encryption

Temirlan Zhaxalykov, Kazakh-British Technical University

  • Using RIPE Atlas to Determine the Quality of Communication with External Internet Services in Central Asia

Alex Semenyaka, RIPE NCC

  • RPKI Update

Ties de Kock, RIPE NCC

Moderator: Muzaffar Djalalov, Rector, INHA University in Tashkent

Coffee Break


ROA Signing Party
Meeting room: Silk Road

Join the ROA Signing Party to learn how you can improve your Internet routing security. You will hear real deployment stories and recommendations. We will also guide you through the process of creating and signing Route Origin Authorisations (ROAs). Participants of this Party should have access to their LIR Portal to execute the ROA Signing procedure.

Moderator: Alex Semenyaka, RIPE NCC

Peering Bilateral Meetings
Meeting room: Bukhara

The objective is to provide a dedicated space for participants to hold meetings between parties interested in peering during the conference. This is a popular networking activity at other peering and interconnection forums.

Moderator: Jelena Cosic, RIPE NCC

19:00-00:00 Dinner at Panarams Restaurant (Panarams Tashkent Hotel)

Wednesday, 20 September

Meeting room: Silk Road



IXP Day: Opening and Introduction

Vahan Hovsepyan, External Relations Officer, RIPE NCC

Peering Personals


IXP Challenges and Capacity Building

This session will highlight some of the challenges and opportunities for the development of the peering landscape in the region

  • Euro-IX and Community Projects

Bijal Sanghani, Secretary General, Euro-IX

  • Technical Protection of the State Segment of Kazakhstan

Maxat Nessipbekov, State Technical Service

  • Networks in Kazakhstan - Present and Future

Oleg Yemelyanov, Founder, NOG.KZ

Moderator: Bahrom Nasirjanov, Manager, TT Mobile
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

IXP Panel

In this session, different IXPs from the region will come together to discuss the issues connected with starting an IXP, getting the resources for them, legislative and regulatory frameworks and possible ways of contributing to the regional Internet development.

    • Madina Botirova, Director, KG-IX
    • Salavat Ormoshev, Director, Association of Network Operators of Kyrgyzstan
    • Zarina Abzalova, Deputy Director, Eastera
    • Talgat Nurlybayev, Network Expert, KazRENAIXP
    • Akmal Arifdjanov, Deputy Chairman of the Board for Prospective Development and Innovation, Uztelecom

Moderator: Nikolay Metlyuk, Piter-IX




IPv6 Development Challenges

This panel will discuss core topics of IPv6 deployment in the region and connected security issues

  • 6 Misconceptions about IPv6

Jen Linkova, Google

  • IPv6 Adoption at IIJ

Yoshinobu Matsuzaki, Internet Initiative Japan Inc.

  • IPv6 Story of MTN-Irancell

Abolfazl Najafi, MTN-Irancell

  • Experience in Implementing IPv6 on a Broadband Network

Roman Chuchuk, XCOM KZ

15:30-16:00 Coffee Break

Short talks

  • Introduction to IETF

Jen Linkova, Google

  • The Success Story of IRNOG

Milad Afshari, IRNOG

  • Security and Resilience Challenges for IXPs

Aleksandr Ilin, MSK-IX

Moderator: Gergana Petrova, Manager, Community Development, RIPE NCC



  • Hisham Ibrahim, Chief Community Officer, RIPE NCC

Closing Reception at Panarams Tashkent Hotel