PGP Authentication Expired Keys
The 2010 Key
- This key was signed by the second 2009 key and expired on 3 February 2011
- The key has ID: 0x1D9EB13C
The 2009 Keys
The initial 2009 key tagged "RIPE NCC" was used from Friday, 2 January 2009 and is available from:
RIPE NCC 2009 Key
- An emergency rollover caused this key to expire on 15 June 2009
- This key was signed by the 2008 key
- The key has ID: 0x4BD4468C
- Due to unforseen circumstances, a second PGP key was issued for 2009. This new key tagged "RIPE NCC" came into use on Monday, 15 June 2009 and is available from:
RIPE NCC 2009 Key - 2
The 2008 Key
- This key expired on 29 January 2009
- It is signed by the 2007 key and has ID: 0x24B15174
The 2007 Key
- This key expired on 7 February 2008
- It is signed by the 2006 key. The key has ID: 0x9F2546E1
The 2006 Key
- This key expired on 5 February 2007
- It is signed by the 2005 key. The key has ID: 0x8B0E2B2F
The 2005 Key
- This key expired on 10 February 2006
- It is signed by the 2004 key. The key has ID: 0x84C24797
The 2004 Key
- This key expired on 6 February 2005
- This key is signed by the 2003 key and has ID: 0xC66FC55E
The 2003 Key
- This key has expired
- In contrast to our current policy, it is not signed by the 2002 key. The key has ID: 0x0B716225
The 2002 Key
- This key expired on 28 October 2002
The RIPE NCC uses GnuPG to implement its PGP operations.