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Activity Plan and Budget 2023 Published

budget activity plan news

The final version of the Activity Plan and Budget 2023 has been published after approval by the Board and input from the membership. The document outlines the work we will undertake in the coming year, the associated costs for each activity and the executive summary provides an overview of activities for 2023.

Key points in this year's Activity Plan and Budget:
- 12% budget increase overall compared to 2022
- We will grow our FTE count from 187 to 191 (2% increase)
- We expect to start 2023 with 22,500 LIR accounts
- Membership fee has risen in 2023 to EUR 1,550
- Cost per LIR expected to be EUR 1,778 (12% increase)

A section at the end of the document notes changes since the draft was published in September. This includes minor editorial changes and additional information to explain significant changes in FTEs in the Member Administration and RIPEstat activities.