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1.0 Scope Link: #1-0-scope
2.0 Transfers within the RIPE NCC Service Region Link: #2-0-transfers-within-the-ripe-ncc-service-region
2.1 Transfer Requirements Link: #2-1-transfer-requirements
2.2 Transfer Restrictions Link: #2-2-transfer-restrictions
3.0 Inter-RIR Transfers Link: #3-0-inter-rir-transfers
3.1 General Link: #3-1-general
3.2 Transferring Internet Number Resources to the RIPE NCC Service Region Link: #3-2-transferring-internet-number-resources-to-the-ripe-ncc-service-region
3.3 Transferring Internet Number Resources from the RIPE NCC Service Region Link: #3-3-transferring-internet-number-resources-from-the-ripe-ncc-service-region
4.0 Transfer Statistics Link: #4-0-transfer-statistics
5.0 Attribution Link: #5-0-attribution

1.0 Scope

This policy outlines:

  • The rules for Internet number resource transfers within the RIPE NCC service region
  • The rules for Internet number resource transfers (including legacy resources) to and from the RIPE NCC service region (often referred to as inter-RIR transfers)

2.0 Transfers within the RIPE NCC Service Region

Any legitimate resource holder is allowed to transfer complete or partial blocks of address space or number resources (IPv4, IPv6 and AS Numbers) that were previously allocated or assigned to them by the RIPE NCC or otherwise through the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) system. Resources are excluded from transfers when RIPE Policies mandate their return to the RIPE NCC. NCC or when subject to transfer restrictions as defined below.

Allocated resources may only be transferred to another RIPE NCC member. Provider Independent resources may be transferred to:

2.1 Transfer Requirements

Transfers must be reflected in the RIPE Database. Transfers can be on a permanent or non-permanent basis.

The original resource holder remains responsible for an Internet number resource until the transfer to the receiving party is completed. In the case of a temporary transfer, the original resource holder re-assumes responsibility when the resource is returned. The current resource holder must ensure that all relevant policies are applied.

Transferred resources are no different from allocations or assignments made directly by the RIPE NCC and so must be used by the receiving party in accordance with the respective policy documents.

To complete the transfer, the RIPE NCC will update the registration records of the Internet number resource to reflect the transfer.

2.2 Transfer Restrictions

2.2.1 Scarce resources

Scarce resources, which are understood as those resources that are allocated or assigned by the RIPE NCC on a restricted basis (such as IPv4 or 16-bit ASNs), cannot be transferred for 24 months from the date the resource was received by the resource holder. This restriction also applies if the resource was received due to a change in the organisation's business (such as a merger or acquisition).

This restriction does not prevent the resources from being transferred due to further mergers or acquisitions within the 24-month period.

2.2.2 Locked resources 

Resources that have been locked as per the “Voluntary Transfer Lock” policy, cannot be transferred during the requested lock period.

3.0 Inter-RIR Transfers

3.1 General

Any type of Internet number resource can be transferred to or from the RIPE NCC service region. This includes legacy resources, in spite of the fact there are no specific rules for legacy resource transfers within the RIPE NCC service region.

Resources are excluded from transfers when RIPE Policies mandate their return to the RIPE NCC. NCC or when the restrictions in section 2.2 apply.

RIPE Policies will apply while the transfer is in process, for as long as the Internet number resources are registered within the RIPE NCC service region.

3.2 Transferring Internet Number Resources to the RIPE NCC Service Region

The RIPE NCC shall accept all transfers of Internet number resources to its service region, provided they comply with the policies relating to transfers within its service region.

For transfers from RIR service regions that require the receiving region to have needs-based policies, recipients must provide a plan to the RIPE NCC for the use of at least 50% of the transferred resources within five years.

3.3 Transferring Internet Number Resources from the RIPE NCC Service Region

When transferring Internet number resources to another RIR, the RIPE NCC will follow the transfer policies that apply within its own service region. The RIPE NCC will also comply with any commitments imposed by the receiving RIR in order to facilitate the transfer.

4.0 Transfer Statistics

The RIPE NCC will publish a list of all transfers. This publication shall occur on a monthly basis or more frequently if the RIPE NCC so chooses.

This list will contain information about approved changes. The following information will be published:

  • The name of the offering party
  • The resource originally held by the offering party
  • The name(s) of the receiving party or parties
  • Each subdivided prefix (each partial block derived from that original block) or resource received
  • The date each resource was transferred
  • Whether it was a transfer according to this policy or a transfer due to changes to an organisation's business structure (such as a merger or acquisition)

5.0 Attribution

This document is developed by the RIPE community.

The following people actively contributed by making proposals through the RIPE Policy Development Process:

Erik Bais