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RIPE NCC Executive Board Remuneration and Reimbursement Policy

Publication date:
26 Mar 2021
  • RIPE NCC Executive Board
PDF (153.3 KB)

This document outlines the current policy regarding remuneration and reimbursement for the RIPE NCC Executive Board. It was approved by the Executive Board during its meeting of 11-12 March 2021.


  • There is no monetary remuneration for RIPE NCC Executive Board members


  • Travel to Executive Board meetings, RIPE NCC-organised events in our service region, and other relevant events as agreed by the Board is paid for by the RIPE NCC according to the Board Travel Policy
  • Expenses are reimbursed based on receipts, as specified in the Board Travel Policy
  • The travel plan is shared among Board members in the travel calendar


  • Travel insurance
  • Board liability insurance


  • Necessary phone and Internet costs while travelling may be reimbursed
  • In special cases, a Dutch mobile phone and subscription may be provided according to the RIPE NCC Mobile Phone Guidelines
  • Requests are approved by the Executive Board Chair or, in case of the Chair, by the Treasurer

RIPE NCC business credit card

  • The RIPE NCC may issue a credit card to each Board member to cover expenses as specified in this policy
  • All expenses must be declared in the Expense Claim system (Nexonia)
  • Expenses must, as a rule, be documented within two weeks
  • If documentation is not submitted for extended periods of time over 90 days, the RIPE NCC may revoke the credit card after consulting the Chairman of the RIPE NCC Executive Board

Board education

  • The RIPE NCC believes in continued education and therefore provides a generous budget for staff. This is also extended to Board members
  • This is for education that is relevant to the role of a Board member of a not-for-profit organisation and the RIPE NCC
  • Each Board member is allowed to claim an annual education budget in line with the staff policy
  • Claims can be made for the entire three-year term or can be per year 
  • Educational requests must be submitted in the Expense Claim system (Nexonia) with the approval of the Chairman of the RIPE NCC Executive Board or, in case of the Chairman, the Treasurer attached to the request.

Christmas party

  • Board members and a guest are invited to the RIPE NCC Christmas party and the following weekend in conjunction with the December Board meeting. This invitation includes travel and hotel expenses according to the Board Travel Policy