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Procedures To Set Up The RIPE NCC

Publication date:
10 Jun 1991
  • R.Blokzijl
PDF (633.5 KB)

1. Status

The need for a RIPE Network Coordination Center is described in
document ripe-19. The activity plan for the NCC is defined in

At the 8th RIPE meeting it was decided to request RARE to act as the
organisation that provides the legal environment for the RIPE NCC. This
has been accepted by the RARE CoA meeting of May 16-17. Also it was
reconfirmed that RARE has no resources to fund the NCC centrally.

This document describes the procedures that are necessary for setting
up the NCC. The three main elements are:

- finance

- selection of personel

- selection of site

2. Finance.

A first estimate of the budget follows from the activity plan, section
5, where the technical requirements of the NCC are outlined. The
figures below should be regarded as a first approximation that clearly
needs further fine tuning. On the other hand it does give the finacial
goals to be reached before the NCC goes into operation.

Staff 180.000 ECU

Equipment 30.000 ECU

Office space 15.000 ECU
plus overheads

Travel budget 15.000 ECU

Total 240.000 ECU per annum

The goal is to secure funding for an initial period of three years;
so arrangements for 720.000 ECU must be found.

Proposed is, to invite organisations active within and outside RIPE
to participate in funding arrangements.

3. Staff

The NCC staff wil be invited by open sollicitation. A selection board
consisting of representatives from RIPE and the RARE EC will appoint
the NCC staff.

- Open sollicitation: proposed is that the announcements of NCC
positions will be made on the RIPE and RARE CoA distribution lists.

- In the selection board, RIPE must have a strong voice, to ensure
an excellent working relationship between RIPE and the NCC.

- The first appointment will be the NCC manager. This manager will
subsequently be involved in the selection of NCC staff.

- The appointed NCC manager will be involved in the final selection of
the site that houses the NCC.

4. Site

The selection of the NCC site will be done by open sollicitation. A
selection board consisting of representatives of RIPE, the RARE REC
and the NCC manager will do the final selection.

- A detailed description of the site requirements will be produced.

- An invitation to propose sites will be published on the RIPE and RARE
CoA distribution lists.

- The above defined selection board will select the NCC site.