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IANA Stewardship Transition

  • Publications / News
    RIPE Community Selects CRISP Team Members

    Following an open call for community volunteers, the RIPE Chair, Hans Petter Holen, has confirmed the appointment of two individuals from the RIPE community to the Consolidated RIR IANA Stewardship (CRISP) team.

    NewsItem ripe internet governance internet coordination iana stewardship transition news
  • Publications / News
    ICANN 51: Continuing Global Discussion of IANA Stewardship and ICANN Accountability

    The 51st ICANN meeting was held in Los Angeles, USA, from 11-16 October 2014, with questions surrounding the IANA stewardship transition and the accountability of ICANN driving much of the agenda.

    NewsItem news icann iana stewardship transition internet governance
  • Publications / News
    IANA Stewardship: Draft RIPE Proposal Published

    An initial working draft of the RIPE community proposal on IANA stewardship has been posted to the RIPE Cooperation Working Group mailing list.

    NewsItem iana stewardship transition news
  • Publications / News
    RIPE NCC and CENTR Hold Joint Meeting With Governments

    The RIPE NCC and CENTR, the European country code top-level domain (TLD) organisation, held a meeting on Wednesday, 1 October 2014, in Brussels, Belgium, for governments and regulators to discuss issues of relevance to both the RIPE and CENTR communities.

    NewsItem itu internet governance roundtable meeting iana stewardship transition news
  • Publications / News
    RIPE NCC Re-affirms Commitment to Operate K-root Name Server

    The RIPE NCC has been providing DNS root name service at since 1997. As the global Internet community considers changes to the NTIA oversight of key DNS functions, the RIPE NCC wishes to assure the Internet community that our commitment to providing this service and to coordinating appropriately with ICANN and the other root server operators will not be affected by the outcome of these discussions.

    NewsItem dns k-root icann iana stewardship transition news