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Fourth ICANN ASO General Assembly Meeting

icann aso internet coordination news

Date: Thurday, 24 April 2003
Venue: Radisson Royal Santiago Hotel
Santiago, Chile


The Address Council of the Address Supporting Organisation has announced the fourth ASO General Assembly Meeting, to be held on Thurday, 24 April 2003 in Santiago, Chile. This meeting will be hosted by LACNIC alongside the LACNIC IV Meeting and is open to all parties with an interest in the activities of the ASO.

The ASO GA 2003 Program Committee is seeking interested individuals and organisations who would be willing to make presentations for the upcoming ASO General Assembly Meeting. The presentations should relate directly to the mission of the ASO as stated in the ASO Memorandum of Understanding, which is available at:


Presentation proposals for the ASO General Assembly Meeting should be sent by electronic mail to <> and contain the following information:

  • Presentation title
  • Name of presenter
  • E-mail address of presenter
  • Voice phone number of presenter
  • Organisational affiliation
  • Abstract of proposed presentation (125 words or less)
  • Time requested for presentation

Presentation submission deadline: Tuesday 1 April 2003.

The ASO Program Committee will review the proposals and make appropriate additions to the draft agenda provided below.


More information about the ASO and the ASO General Assembly can be found on the ASO website at:

Please feel free to contact the ASO Secretariat at <> should you have any questions.

The draft agenda is available from the ASO website.