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The RIPE NCC Executive Board – Nomination, Appointment, Term, Dismissal and Representation

The RIPE NCC Executive Board (hereafter Executive Board) is charged with the management of the RIPE NCC. This document describes the nomination, appointment, term, dismissal and the representation of the RIPE NCC Executive Board in accordance with the RIPE NCC Articles of Association (Articles 8, 9, 10 and 18.4). The RIPE NCC Articles of Association will always prevail over this document.

Executive Board Members

The Executive Board consists of at least three and at most seven natural persons. The members of the Executive Board do not have to be Members of the RIPE NCC. They act in a personal capacity and not as representatives of a legal person. Employees of the Association cannot be appointed members of the Executive Board.

Nomination - Appointment

The members of the Executive Board are appointed by the General Meeting from a list of nominees to be drawn up by the Members. A nomination for the appointment of a member of the Executive Board needs the written support of at least five RIPE NCC Members and must be submitted no later than three weeks before the General Meeting.

If the number of nominees exceeds the number of vacancies, the General Meeting shall elect Executive Board members in accordance with the procedure described in the RIPE NCC Articles of Association (Article 18.4).


Membership of the Executive Board becomes effective at the end of the General Meeting at which the member was appointed and automatically terminates at the end of the Annual Meeting in the third calendar year after the year in which he/she was appointed. An Executive Board member is eligible for immediate re-appointment. An Executive Board member may end his/her membership by giving a three-months notice or by his/her death.

Suspension or Dismissal

A member of the Executive Board may be suspended or dismissed by the General Meeting at any time once the proper procedure has been followed. A resolution to suspend or dismiss a member of the Executive Board requires a majority of at least two thirds of the votes cast.

Any suspension may be extended one or more times, but may not last longer than three months in total. If at the end of that period no decision has been taken on termination of the suspension or on dismissal, the suspension shall end.

Representation – Conflict of Interest

Two members of the Executive Board, acting jointly, shall be authorised to represent the RIPE NCC Association. However, in all matters in which the Association has a conflict of interest with one or more members of the Executive Board, the General Meeting may designate one or more persons in order to represent the Association as described in the RIPE NCC Articles of Association (Article 10.4).