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RIPE 88 Concludes, PC Elections and New Working Group Chairs

news ripe community update

RIPE 88 has wrapped up with 546 attendees checked-in onsite in Krakow and 175 checked in online, with several more following talks via the livestream and YouTube. The meeting also marked 35 years of RIPE. The highlights of the meeting are available in the Daily Meeting Blog on RIPE Labs, all talks are available in the RIPE 88 archives.

Massimiliano Stucchi and Kevin Meynell were elected to the RIPE Programme Committee. Several Working Groups selected new Chairs, as follows:
Address Policy: Erik Bais, Alex Le Heux
Anti-Abuse: Brian Nisbet
Connect: Will van Gulik, Paul Hoogsteder and Stavros Konstantaras
Cooperation: Desirée Milosevic
Database: Peter Hessler
DNS: Moritz Müller
IoT: Peter Steinhauser
IPv6: Nico Schottelius

Congratulations to the incoming Working Group Chairs and Programme Committee members.