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Re: Found some sort of a clue... (fwd)

On Thu, 24 Sep 92 13:21:49 EET you said:
Dear Colleagues,

The entry for .BG points to MAILER@localhost a result of the discussion
in March MAILER@localhost routes mail to the domain .BG to SMTP@localhost. This
requires a local supplement to the profile generator. On September, 22nd,
I had to generate a new profile. Because of some reasons the changes
to the local input were numerous. Unfortunately the entry for .BG
in the local file was deleted causing a loop in the network mailer.
The error is corrected. I apologize for this mistake.

I am surpised to learn from Daniel's letter that this situation also
existed during the last six months because nobody has complained
between March 9th and September 22nd. I recommend to contact the
sites involved if an error occurs to clarify the situation.

To the situation in Bulgaria I can only repeat that AEARN does not
interfere into this national affair and I ask Daniel to accept this

Regards / Wilfried

>I do not know if you are aware of it, but this did happen already
>six months. I hope it would not continue to happen, because users
>complain that they do not receive their mail, which is misrouted for
>who knows what reasons to AEARN.
>The last story was that the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences claimed to
>be the "international networking body" for Bulgaria, which is of
>course just a funny statement. I would at least ask you to inform the
>.BG top level domain administration if you decide to force route the
>traffic somewhere.
>I would ask EARN once again to please not "borrow" the .BG top level
>domain from Internet. If you do not know what to do with the mail,
>simply route it to your nearest Internet gateway. Thanks!
>Sorry for the long Cc: list, but this problem should really be
>Daniel Kalchev
>Forwarded message:
>> Subject: Found some sort of a clue...
>> Message-Id: <JOHNSON.920923165504@localhost
>> From: Johnson@localhost (Jay Johnson)
>> To: daniel@localhost (Daniel Kalchev)
>> Date:    Wed, 23 Sep 92 16:55:04 EDT
>> Apparently our mailer got an over-ride record from BITNET
>> which directs BG traffic to AEARN.  Our mailer treated my
>> mail as subject to it and sent it to AEARN which, I guess,
>> doesn't know how to get to danbo.
>> The mx records are first to try forth.gr and then eu.net
>> as I remember which seemed ok though I'd have thought the
>> order would be reversed.
>> So thought you'd like to know that sites which have BITNET
>> as well as Internet links and mailers as dumb as ours may
>> be giving grief.

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