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RIPE20 : Terminal room facilities

Terminal-room facilities during the RIPE-meeting.

Time allowing, we will provide a terminal room during the RIPE meeting.

There will be a number of ASCII terminals connected to a terminal-server
(hef-ts1.nikhef.nl or hef-ts2.nikhef.nl), which will allow for telnet access.

We will also provide ethernet tap points for laptop computers. 
10base2 and 10baseT will be provided. 110V will be available too,
on request of some of our guests from other continents.
We will assign static IP addresses to persons to avoid having
to reconfigure their machines. People in need of a 'permanent' 
IP address for the time of the meeting should send a message 
to ncc@localhost with 'Terminalroom' in the subject; the 
addresses will be assigned on-site.

People that need to have access lists changed should allow access
from and

Printer access will be provided via an uuencoded-file-via-mail

Unfortunately, Apple localtalk access cannot be provided, sorry.

We're not trying to match an IETF terminal room, but if you
have special requests in this area, please send them to us.

Kind regards,

Geert Jan de Groot

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