[members-discuss] Promote the use of IRC
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Daniel Baeza (Red y Sistemas TVT)
d.baeza at tvt-datos.es
Wed Aug 12 13:34:14 CEST 2015
Seems like all who answered said yes, in the case this go forward, how should we proceed with RIPE? The Network structure, in my opinion, should be: irc.ripe.net (The actual working one) - HUB services.ripe.net - Network Services (Anope), hosted by RIPE.(*) more.irc.servers - Hosted by RIPE Members(**) (*) Services should be configured to use MySQL, then RIPE can make some integration between RIPE Users and IRC Users. Of course, that is if we want to have some kind of association so nobody can be suplanted. (**) The IRC Servers that link to the RIPE IRC Network should accomplish some rules (tbd) and I recommend to spread them. I mean, having 10 servers in France dont make sense. Also, having 10 servers for 40 users dont make sense too. Number of servers to link should be relative to number of users using the IRC. Another note is, in this structure, should be another HUB server, hosted outside of RIPE where all slave servers connect if the RIPE one goes down. Suggestions? --Daniel
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