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Re: Ofcom VoIP Public Forum

Thanks. I just read the doc.

So there is no forum...just a document for public consultation. They seem to be following Japan assigning a new number block.

Does anyone knows if the number assignment comes together with ENUM?

side question not related to ENUM: Reading the doc, it appears only Public Electronic Communications Network (PECN) can asked for a 056 numbers from Ofcom (see Annex E of the consultation). Not familiar with UK regulation, how does one become PECN?

-James Seng

Kennedy, Steve wrote:

Does anyone has any information (minutes, conclusion etc) of the Ofcom VoIP Public Forum held on 25th Feb?

It wasn't a VoIP forum it was the "Numbering arrangements for Voice
over Broadband services" (and there's a big difference).

In summary, if you're offering VoB services Ofcom want people to use
the 056 prefix (which is new, and similar to the corporate 055 prefix).
Assumed to be second line service which is NOTS PATS, which means you
must NOT provide Emergency services (or life line services), also no
DQ services, operator services, special facilities for end-users with
disabilities, itemised billing.

The paper is on the Ofcom website (www.ofcom.org.uk) and responses to
be in by March 24th 2004.


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