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Re: Yet Another SIP Community: www.sipphone.com


Stastny Richard wrote:
I absolutely do not like this approach, because this is confusing the
issue even more. We should get ENUM on track for linking these ITADs asap.
AFAIK the ENUM Forum is working quite hard on enabling ENUM at least for the US part of +1:


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Otmar Lendl [
] Gesendet: Do 07.08.2003 18:57 An: enum-trials@localhost Cc: Betreff: Yet Another SIP Community: www.sipphone.com

All these "if you want to call from system X to system Y
use prefix Z" lists remind me of the email routing guides
I needed back in the days of Bitnet, Fido, Maus, Internet,
X.400, Compuserve, GENIE & co.

I wonder when they'll discover that ENUM might do the same
magic for them that RFC822 + DNS + MX records did for email?
I guess that is a fair summary of the current situation... ;-)



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