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Re: ENUM trials in general

Richard, Marco -

Richard Shockey wrote:
>At 09:24 AM 1/12/2003 +0000, Marco Bernardi wrote:
>> I think running such a directory implies some responsibilities. We
>> don't want any misuse/abuse. All this must be done in responsible
>> way and by a responsible organization. It seems to me that it can be
>> the perfect job for Ripe (Carsten - sorry for putting you on the
>> spot...)
> I have to agree RIPE would be perfect as the administrator of the root
> .... but I also think this is very very simple and not too much real
> work
> the only data collected would be
> User Name
> email address
> e164 number
> that can periodically generate a text file test participants can use

After considering the issue with IAB - the RIPE NCC is operating the Tier0 registry on behalf of the IAB - we came to the conclusion that the RIPE NCC shall refrain from offering such an even only temporary ENUM directory service to the community, as such a service would be better carried out by a different entity to preserve a clear understanding of responsibilities in the Internet community.
Also the effects of such a temporary directory relating to the longer term issue of ENUM directories and associated privacy and regulatory issues are not fully explored yet and need more consideration.

Thanks for your understanding - best,


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