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Explaining spam to policians (was: test message)

At 13:07 +0100 14/11/01, Piet Beertema wrote:
I finally explained to him that the sheer volume of spam doesn't just
mean that costs of dealing with it have to be passed on, but that his
own Hotmail mailbox has a finite capacity beyond which correspondence
from his colleagues, family and friends would start bouncing due to the
mailbox already being full of spam. But when I sent him the email telling
him that, the email came bouncing back because...

  Host 'mc3.law13.hotmail.com' says:
  552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation
Great! I'd love to send this fellow a copy of every single spam
message I get, if necessary "rewritten" to "unspam" it. I'm sure
that in no time he'd find out that serious mail doesn't reach him
at all anymore...
This was called mailbombing some years ago. It worked great sometimes, eg Canter & Siegel. But that tactic is frowned upon. Perhaps it is now time to reconsider?
That will hit the Net, but spam does that too.

Rudi van Houten - Department of Mathematics Utrecht University
Automatiseringsteam / System Management
:-) Fantasy is given mankind to make amends for what he is not,
and a sense of humour as consolation for what he is.
Fight spam, support http://www.euro.cauce.org

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