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Re: Hate Email and how to combat it outside the U.S.?

Corcorran, Suzanne E. said:
> I need the original email message with all headers intact showing the
> originator of the message as additional proof of threatening and harassing
> conduct to support already existing evidence.  When I requested this
> information from the host of the service, I was given an extremely rude
> reply.  The primary information obtained from the reply was:
> 1. I would not obtain the information unless they were instructed to provide
> it through Court Order by a Dutch Court.

By reporting the offence to the USA police. The police organisation of the USA
can use appropriate police of diplomatic channels to the Dutch police to get
the required court order and the required information.


Freek de Kruijf   tel. 015 2783226   e-mail: F.deKruijf@localhost
Dienst Technische Ondersteuning TU Delft              fax  015 2783787
Postadres:                 Postbus 354                   2600 AJ Delft
Bezoekadres:               M. de Ruyterweg 10-12         2628 BA Delft

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