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Re: DANTE CERT Service

Hmmm, I would rather see a coordinated action here, rather than just one
or the other organisation "taking over" a function, regardless of their
other services. Wouldn't that be a classical scenario for a Call for Tender?

Another thought: as the person responsible for the SWITCH CERT, my impression
is that one of the foundations of running a CERT/CC is trust (ie.e. a customer
has to trust me that I will handle his/her security problem in a knowledgeable
AND confidential way, also a CERT provider has to trust his/her customers to a 
certain degree). Such trust can only be built over time, so an European CERT/CC
should in my opinion be based on one or more existing national CERTs, with that
particular experience in place (and I'm not only talking about purely technical
experience, see above).


PS: In the original message from DANTE, a corresponding DANTE mailing list
    was mentioned, and I have asked to be included in that list. So far, I
    have not received any feedback on this. Is this list active at all?

PPS: Looking at the headers of the individual messages sent so far, this
     discussion is addressed to a lot of lists, and a number of individuals.
     Could we please keep this discussion within a defined set of lists?


| Hannes P. Lubich     Voice: +41 1 268 15 55 (direct) 15 50 (line)        |
| SWITCH Head Office   Fax  : +41 1 268 15 68                              |
| Limmatquai 138       Mail : lubich@localhost                             |
| CH-8001 Zurich       Mail : S=lubich; O=switch; P=switch; A=arcom; C=ch; |
| Switzerland          Phys : 47 23'N, 8 33' E, GMT + 1                    |
|                      More : "finger @macHaL.switch.ch" (if switched on)  |

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