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Re: European IP requests - template

  • To: hostmaster < >
  • From:
  • Date: Mon, 24 Aug 92 11:19:34 BST
  • Cc: ripe < >

I think this document is very useful, but would like to make one point:

>                                    As the European NIC, we require
> different information to that required by the US and for it to be
> presented in a format which is both easy for you to complete and for us
> to process.  Therefore before your application can be processed any
> further, you will need to complete the template below and return it to
> the appropriate organisation responsible for issuing IP network numbers.
> In most cases this will be your IP service provider or the RIPE NCC.  An
> IP service provider is an organisation which provides Wide Area Network
> (WAN) services external to your organisation. 
> service provider. 

There is potential for confusion here, as some IP service providers will
have their own application forms that differ from this RIPE default template.
(We do -- for much the same reasons that you have a different format to
the US form -- local conditions prevail.) Your document as it stands risks
getting a customer to fill in the RIPE form, sending it to his/her provider
and being told to fill in another form. I suggest it would be better to
amend the advice given here to say something like:

1. contact your provider -- then follow the procedure it advises for
   address assignment;

2. if there is no identifiable provider, or your provider doesn't assign
   addresses, contact the NCC using the guidance and template described

Otherwise, people are going to get wound up in unnecessary form-filling
and red-tape, which is the LAST thing we want!

Bob Day

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