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Re: Ownership of RIPE Database

  • To: Frode Greisen < >
  • From:
  • Date: Mon, 24 Aug 92 10:58:57 +0200
  • Cc: Daniel Karrenberg < >
    Reseaux IP Europeens < >

Do we really know what the RARE CoA really mean by this question?
What are the issues we/they need to resolve?

I attended a workshop here in Sweden on teh proposal from the CEC on
"Databases protection".

Apart from the fact that there were no concrete resultes, the findings were

- are we protecting the data or the sourcecode?
- are we protecting the work to gather the info and present it in a new
  medium and collection? - The added value?
- there are normal legal protection for publizised material under
  most Europena laws already. books,m usic et c.

The need for protection of a database is in my opinion to protect an
investment in work effort or "value" - maps or other hard work against
replication and "resell".

The question is what the purpose is for the RIPE database?

To support network operations and contacts!
Maybe the right to use this databse should be granted to a membership?
"Internet Society?" The rules for usage could then be limited to support
networking contacts, but take away marketing and such things.


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