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Re: Access to RIPE-TT data from third parties (fwd)


** I'd like to re-post your mail (and my reply) to the tt-wg list, in
** order to get consensus on this

On Tue, 19 Sep 2000, Paolo Moroni wrote:

>    Here is the mail I promised to you about accessing RIPE-TT data collected
> by your box at CERN.
>    As you know, CERN is hosting an Internet exchange point; we think it
> might be interesting to offer the members of the exchange access
> to the CERN-related TT data, as a (free, of course) trial
> service. You explained to me that such access would be under CERN's
> responsibility, which we understand. Therefore, in order to avoid problems
> with any possible incorrect usage of this data, we need to get any
> interested ISP to agree about a disclaimer statement to relief CERN
> from any such responsibility, for reasons that you will certainly
> understand. What we'd appreciate from you, since
> you have much more experience on this subject, is an official document
> that you recommend as disclaimer, that we can use to grant access to
> third parties, as explained above. Another useful feature to implement
> such a service, would be to have multiple (or at least two) passwords
> to access the same data, so that we don't have to give out the password
> assigned to CERN.
>    Thanks for considering this proposal. Regards,
>                                                    Paolo

I suggest to do 2 things.  

The plots section of the TTM pages will be split into 3 sub-sections:

A) A general section, explaining what is show in the plots and other
   documentation, but no real data.  This section will not be password

B) A test-box-host section, containing all data that is currently
   available.  This section will be password protected with a password
   that is made available to the TB-hosts, but may not be passed on.

C) N sections for the customers of a specific site, containing only
   plots from and to a certain test-box. This is a subset of (B).  The
   TB-hosts can ask for a reasonable number of password/username
   combinations for their customers.

Before a customer gets the password for (C), he will be asked to sign a
data-disclosure agreement.  The actual implementation of signing this
agreement, is best left to the TB-hosts, as they are aware of the legal
requirements in their country, and may want to include this in SLA's or
other documents.

So, I suggest to provide a template, which can act as a basis for
re-distribution of TTM data, along the lines of:

   The Test-Traffic Measurements are indepedent measurements of the
   network performance between the TB-host site and other sites hosting a
   test-box.  The data from these measurements, including any results or
   quantities that can be derived from the data (such as plots or numbers
   summarizing the performance of a connection) are made available to
   allow the customer to evaluate the performance of the network between
   the TB-host site and other sites.

   The customer is allowed to re-analyze the data and discuss the results
   of those analysis inside his own organization, with the TB-host or
   inside the appropriate RIPE working groups.

   In order to access the data, the customer's technical contact will be
   provided with a password.  This password may be distributed inside
   customer's orginization provided everybody receiving the password is
   made aware of this policy.  This also applies when the data itself
   is distributed inside customer's orgnanization

   It is not allowed to re-produce the data in any form outside the
   customer's organization.  It is also not allowed to re-analyze the
   data in any form and publish the results of those analysis.

   The data is made available on a best-effort basis.  The RIPE-NCC nor
   the TB-host assume any liability for the timely availability of the
   data or the correctnes of the data, or any damage resulting from
   incorrect or unavailable data.

   If the customer fails to comply with this policy, then the TB-host 
   will ask the RIPE-NCC to revoke the password.

This text is derived from RIPE-180.

This text describes the idea, it hasn't been run past our legal
department.  I believe TB-hosts should be free to ADD things to this

Note implementing (C) will require a bit of work on our side, so I suggest
that we agree on the principles first.

Comments, anyone?


Henk Uijterwaal                    Email: henk.uijterwaal@localhost
RIPE Network Coordination Centre     WWW: http://www.ripe.net/home/henk
Singel 258                         Phone: +31.20.535-4414,  Fax -4445
1016 AB Amsterdam                   Home: +31.20.4195305
The Netherlands                   Mobile: +31.6.55861746  

A man can take a train and never reach his destination.
                                               (Kerouac, well before RFC2780).

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