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Re: DANTE CERT Service

> They were. But times have changed and lots of organisations
> that have or refer to "Unix" in their name are now no longer
> focused only on that operating system.

OK. (Proves that I haven't been doing my homework. ;-)

> I'd suggest you visit one of the conferences of the mentioned
> organisations. Then you'll see that they cover a broad range
> of issues outside those related to Unix alone.

I would, if there was time and money ...

> Computing by itself doesn't bring much risk. Computing with
> broken or "contaminated" software brings risks. Even more so
> does networking, since it's the ideal "carrier" for all risks
> related to computers in general. So the organisation really
> should be closely related to networking, or in close contact
> with an an organisation related to networking.

Definitely, but we mustn't forget the thousands of stand-alone PC:s
that only have foot-net. Diskettes are just as bad. We must also bear
in mind the large non-connected multi-user systems, where local
cracking can be just as painful as network cracking (although it's
less common these days - agreed).

				Best regards,

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