RIPE 16 - Agenda (version 2)

			R I P E   1 6

		  draft Agenda - version 2

======== Wednesday 15 September 14:00 h ==========================

	1. Opening

	2. Minutes previous meeting

	3. Action items

	4. RIPE NCC report (Daniel Karrenberg)

        5. Joint Projects progress (Tony Bates)
	   - RS
	   - GISS
	   - PRIDE

        6. RIPE NCC Review (Rob Blokzijl)

        7. RIPE NCC Activity Plan (Rob Blokzijl)

        8. RIPE & RARE (Rob Blokzijl)

	9. Network Resource Discovery
	   - GARR on-line network resource guide (Giuseppe Romano)
	   - Guide To Network Resource Tools (Daniele Bovio) 

======== Thursday 16 September 09:00 h ============================

        During this day Working Group and BOF sessions will take place.
	A scheduling of these meetings will be distributed later.

======== Friday 17 September 09:00 h ==============================

       10. Update on the new JIPS services (Phil Jones)

       11. Update on EMPB services
	   - status EUROPAnet (Svend Moeller Nielsen)
	   - status EUROPAnet/EBONE gateways (Erik-Jan Bos)

       12. Update on EBONE (Bernhard Stockman)

       13. Update on SPRINT infrastrucure support (Bob Collet)

       14. RIPE European Internet Architecture WG (Bernhard Stockman)

       15. Introduction of DANTE (Howard Davies)

       16. Update on networking with Russia (Rob Blokzijl)

       17. Reports from the Working Groups and BOFs.

       18. Next meetings

       19. A.O.B.

       20. Closing

======== End of Meeting Friday 17 September 16:00 h ============================